Can you play the guitar Section B說課稿
一、教學內容:英語新目標七年級上冊Unit 10 Section B
2. 營造寬松和諧的學習氛圍, 使學生敢于開口, 樂于實踐。
(一)本節課在本單元的地位和作用:本單元主要是學習情態動詞can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑問句,肯定與否定回答,以及特殊疑問句的構成和用法;復習what引導的特殊疑問句。Section B是在學習完Section A的基礎上,復習情態動詞can用于“詢問和談論能力”的目標語言,并掌握情態動詞can的基本用法;能夠運用所學目標語言表達自己在某一方面所具備的才能;能夠為自己成立的各種俱樂部制作海報或招聘廣告。
Step 3 Group work
Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to solve the questions: easy questions and difficult questions.
T: Let’s play a game, shall we? We will see: “Who is the winner?”
Ss: It’s wonderful!
Each “easy” question is only one mark, and every difficult “question” is two marks. They choose the exercise by themselves. 通過小組成員之間的合作,可以培養學生的一種群體意識; 又通過小組與小組之間的比賽,可以增強學生的競爭意識。教師的職責不僅教書,而且也在育人,在這一過程中很好地體現出來。
Step4 Sing a song
Teacher prepared a song which about: “Can you …? What can you do?” etc.
First, listen to the tape carefully.
Second, students sing after the tape.
When the third time is finished, most of the students can sing the song by themselves.
教師結合本節課所學內容,引導學生sing a song, 既能培養他們的自信,又能學會靈活運用所學內容。這時候的`教師就不僅僅是在教英語了。
Make a survey: By using “Can you sing?Can you dance?Can you draw? What can you do?” sentences to make a survey in their small groups. Then fill out the form.
在小組中進行調查,尤其是調查同班同學的愛好和特長,能體現出愛護同學,團結同學意識, 也能增強班級的凝聚力,同時體現出了作業布置的開放型原則。
1) 重點:學會運用情態動詞can來詢問和談論自己的能力。
2) 語法難點:情態動詞can的構成和使用。
3) 教學突破:Section B重在通過復習所學的“詢問和談論能力”的目標語言,學會談論和表達自己或他人在某一方面所具備的能力和才藝,因此給學生提供一些施展才藝的舞臺和機會,讓他們在做中說、在說中做,既能培養他們的自信又能學會靈活運用所學內容。
使學生掌握并熟練運用下列單詞和短語: music, musician, play the violin rumpetpianodrumsflute, do Chinese kung fu 句型:Can you sing? Can you dance? What can you do?
2)、 技能目標
3)、情感態度價值觀:Section B的學習內容貼近學生的生活,談論的話題是能力。通過互相詢問或談論自己或對方在某一方面的能力,可以培養學生的一種群體意識。
采用Classifying, Role-playing, Comprehending in context和Skimming的學習策略,利用教學圖片、幻燈片或制作課件(演奏各種樂器)等來展開課堂教學、Pairwork問答式的口語交際活動或小組活動,復習“詢問和談論能力”的目標語言并能靈活運用。
五 、 學生學習策略的運用
1. 在學習中集中注意力,集中思考
3. 注意發現語言的規律并能運用規律舉一反三
六 、所需教學手段:
主要運用現代化教學手段---多媒體, 錄音機
Step 1 Leading-in (about five minutes)
T: Now boys and girls. Please look at the screen .I'd like to show you one part of a music concert. Please watch it carefully.
T: I like music. Do you like music? Do you want to be a musician? (教師利用多媒體呈現音樂會的場面,而且教師必須尊重學生的觀點,盡力給每一個學生發言的機會,創設民主、平等、和諧的氛圍,鼓勵學生大膽開口,學生可能會得出以下觀點):
S1: I like music very much.
S2: I don’t like music at all.
S3: I want to be a musician when I grow up.
Step 2 Presentation
1).出示反映各種樂器的圖片,學習一些樂器名詞,并引導學生運用所學目標語言談論自己的能力I can play the drums. I can’t play the guitar. 等等。在學生將樂器名詞和圖畫一一配對后,引導他們進行role-playing活動,讓六個學生到講桌前,老師把事先準備好的小紙條一一交給他們(這些小紙條上分別寫著play the guitar, play the trumpet, play the violin, play the drums, swim, do Chinese kung fu),然后讓學生表演,The whole class to guess what’s his or her meaning, 最后完成1a部分的教學任務。
2). T: OK. Next step we should make a conversation in pairs by using “Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the violin?”(Give students about three minutes to prepare)
Then check the answers.主要提問中游水平的學生,并及時對學生自己編的對話給予評價,并加以鼓勵和表揚。
T: Can she play the guitar?
S: No, she can’t.
T: Can he do Chinese kung fu?
S: Yes, ha can.
Then ask the students to make up new conversation according to the teacher’s model. Each group only has four students. (在師生之間作示范的基礎上,讓學生占在第三人稱的角度去對他人的能力作一下論述。讓學生善于抓住用英語進行交際的機會)
T: You've done very well. Next, let’s do some listening practice.
3) T: Please listen to the tape. Try your best to fill in the blanks.
S: (Listen to the tape carefully.)
Ask students listen to the tape two times, and then check the result.
Next, listen to the tape again. Students check their answers by themselves.
At last, order them to read the conversation, and try their best to remember it. 在這個過程中, 通過讓不同水平的學生回答,使得每個學生都有成就感。
4)T: Boys and girls, just now we practiced an easy listening practice, next I have a difficult exercise. Do you want to have a try?
S: Yes, I do.
T: Now, please look at the screen. I had prepared some practice for you. When the first time is over, you should finish them. OK?
Ss: OK.
When all the exercises are finished, let them listen to the tape again and repeat. 根據錄音模仿
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