

時間:2024-12-26 15:49:56 小英 申請書 我要投稿




  出國留學申請書 1












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  經過自己努力2010年4月拿到了JTEST E級證書,并申請了2011年4月到MANABI外語學院留學。但是遺憾的`是2011年3月日本發生地震,由于父母比較擔心我取消了日本留學的計劃。






  出國留學申請書 7

  Dear Sir,I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further mystudy in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

  My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of AppliedPhysics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get myB.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I choseBoston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array ofdatabases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe myinterests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solidacademic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduatestudy.

  I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the GraduateApplication Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, andother relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of thisletter.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,Li Ming

  出國留學申請書 8

  dear sir:

  i am writing in the hope that i may obtain an opportunity to further my st

  udy in applied physics toward master degree in your university.

  my name is li jin,an undergraduate student of the department of applied physics,huabei university.next year in the summer,i will graduate and get my b.s.degree.i plan to continue my study and research in this field.i chose boston university because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of physics.i believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school.and my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

  i will appreciate it very much if you could send me the graduate application forms,the application form for scholarships/assistantships,and other relevant

  information.my mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.

  i am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  sincerely yours,li ming

  出國留學申請書 9

  dear sirs and madams,

  i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter.

  my name is zhanyun ,female ,a chinese college students from communication university of china . i was borned on xxx at nanjiang town,sichuan province of china and well-educated by family and schools . my major now is tcfl(teaching chinese as a foreign language)and will graduate in 20xx eafter , i want to continue my education by pursuing a master degree in your college.

  i know thatxx university is one of thetop universities in us and outstanding all over the world, especially in the field of economics. so i want to apply for your college’s international commerce as my graduate program ,which makes a deep and strong impression on me . although my bachelors degree program is tcfl, i am still fascinated by clauses releventing to commerce and finance. so i took a lot of minors such as internation trade , international economics and market management to expand my scope of finance and commerce knowledge. as people who around me said , i have native intellectual ability in learning and capacity for analytical thinking. therefore i am always getting high scores from my childhood till now. during in college , i study hard and got twice national scholarships inspirational . in additon , i also gained some certificates like cet4 and cet6,and passed university computer application level test and zhc.

  practical experience related with studying is not the only thing i am interested in, providing contribution to the society and taking part in extracurriculum activities are equally important from my part. in july 20xx, i joint summer practice group held by my college to investigate about university students employment situation at huairou town, the countryside of beijing . i collected the majority of informations and interviewed the local officiers and wrote a report finally published on compus newspaper. in this activity , i saw the significance on team work and the consciousness on objectivity . in august 20xx , i become a member of olympic volunteers. at that time ,my task is giving favours to peole who lost their way or need help . i was so glade to have that job because i got satisfaction and happyness when i helped people and saw their cincere smiles. and then felt my whole life was enriched . thus i am endowed with many truehearted friends who are sharing the same ideal with me: to be a successful person in order to help those who need help.

  after i graduate from the master degree , i am going to go back to my hometown to make contribution on its development . alao ,feeling foreign culture and trandition is what i want to gain in your university,too.

  in closing , i really want to enter your university to further my knowledge , also makenew frirends and have a better understanding on the society and custom or trandition .i hope you will give me a chance to display, i believe i will rise to the work of the companys development of my biggest contribution.

  yours sincerely ,


  出國留學申請書 10

  Dear xx,

  From the moment I began considering careers and courses at university, Ihave always been drawn towards business and financial routes. I would say thisis because I feel I have the right qualities for these routes, especially theability to think logically and analytically.

  I feel accounting will offer me a steady career path in the financial worldthat could lead on to other related fields such as investment banking orfinancial analysis.

  Another reason I am attracted to accounting is that I have a stronginterest in corporate business and the economy. I read the BBCs section on theeconomy and business almost every day; I find it incredible to observe howeconomic changes higher up can have enormous effects lower down upon the public,such as the buyout of HBOS by Lloyds TSB or the current credit crunch leading usinto a recession. I often have discussions with my father and older brother whoare very experienced with the current working world, with regards to theproperty market, economy and current affairs related to the economy such as newlaws and taxes.

  I attended a presentation given by two trainee accountants currentlystudying to become chartered under the ACA professional body. I was intrigued tolearn the different routes into accounting, and the opportunities the subjectand career provide. This confirmed my initial aspiration to enter theaccountancy and finance profession.

  At Advanced level I have enjoyed studying varied subjects. I amconsistently perplexed by the complexity of organisms that are studied inbiology, and take pleasure in learning how humans, animals and plants areadapted and how they evolve.

  Design Technology gives me a chance to be creative and do hands on work.Its simply remarkable to produce a product from initial conception and researchright through to manufacture and evaluation. Theory work in D&T is also veryintriguing; there is great emphasis on business and markets, and when designingone needs good problem solving skills as they need to work to a set of goals tosolve a real market issue. Attaining a high grade at Advanced Subsidiary levelshows my determination to achieve the highest standard of work.

  ICT is an ever important part in society, and as such I feel it is a highlyrelevant subject. ICT looks at the close links between business and technologywhich forms a strong relationship crucial to any business or workingenvironment. I have advanced IT and computing skills, and am capable of using ITto its full potential in order to assist me with work.

  I have good written communication skills, and often enjoy writingopinionative articles and short stories on online communities. I feel thisbenefits me when writing essays or reports as I can write fluidly and clearly.Studying Critical Thinking at Advanced Subsidiary level has contributed to mywriting abilities, as it is shown me how to analyse, structure and writearguments.

  I also have good presentation skills; I am adept in the art of presentationwhere I make gooduse of ICT, imagery and language to engage my audience andthoroughly communicate the topic which I may be presenting.

  Outside of school, I have many interests and hobbies. One of my favouriteinterests is music. I enjoy playing guitar of a wide variety of styles such asblues, funk and rock and am currently studying for a Grade 8 qualification. Ienjoy playing with friends in a band as it gives me a chance to work as part ofteam to produce fully structured songs. Within school I attend a blues club heldby a senior music teacher and have also taken part in music evenings held by themusic department.

  My varied subjects and the skills I have attained along with my outsideinterests have led me to develop a strong interest in accounting, finance andthe economy. As a result I am exceptionally motivated and dedicated tosucceeding in university and having a successful career in accounting andfinance.

  Yours sincerely,

  出國留學申請書 11

  Dear xx,At the request of University of Denver, my student in Zhengzhou 19th HighSchool, I’m providing this reference, which I hope can be useful for you toreview her application to your undergraduate program.

  I have been the Chinese teacher and class director in Zhengzhou 19th HighSchool for more than ten years. We are one of the most famous and high-qualityhigh schools in the whole city, the faculties in our school are all renowned andhighly-experienced. Though I’m relatively young in the school, I have lots ofexperience in Chinese teaching and student managing. I have been titled theoutstanding young teacher and class-director by school and city.

  Yadi Wang came to my class in September 2006, the semester she entered ourschool. I know she is talent in music. She used to performance flute in ourschool activities, such as in talent sho In 2007, she passed the high leveltest of FLUTE LEVEL 8. She loves music that is all her classmates and schoolteachers kno

  YADI WANG had special leadership and friendship in my class. Once we wereabout to take part in our school’s drama festival. We were supposed to play aChinese traditional drama . I analyzed some key plots and roles of thisdrama to my students, and then left all the other works to their own. YADI WANGwas in charge of the directing and casting. It was not an easy job as it maysound. The enthusiasm made everybody ask for the leading roles, but no one waswilling to take these minor ones. So YADI WANG decided to run an bined the performance in the audition and students’ actual characteristics,YADI WANG assigned everyone the most suitable role. And then, she divided thecrew into several groups. Different groups rehearsed in different places at thesame time. And the leading actors were the strings to connect these groups intoa collectivity. Through this way, it saved lots of time, which was the scarcestthing to middle school students, to get everybody into his role. And before thefinal performance, she just needed to call all the actors together for a previewfor once or twice. She has done even better than I had expected.

  Another time was in a seminar, we ran a debate competition about teacher’sprofessional ethics. YADI WANG was the leading debater of the con side. Duringthe debate, she showed her wide knowledge and eloquence. She used lots ofproverbs, history figures and examples to support her stand, and every word ofher was incisive to get to the point, and also full of humors. Her performancewon both her teammates and opponents’ admiration.

  Her positivity and versatility also can be found in many other aspects. Sheis ours school’s famous piano player who is always invited to play in manyoccasions. She knows the traditional skill of calligraphy writing, which she hasbeen practicing from very small. During weekends or vacations, the “HolidayWorking Team” she leads can always be found doing many community mally, in order to get more students to participate in class’s management,the student cadre will change every semester or two, by student vote. But YadiWang has won all the elections by now, so she continued to be the monitor fromthe beginning of our class to today, and very likely to the graduation. All herclassmates have approbated her ability, characteristics and performance. She isalready a model in the class.

  In this reference, I didn’t mention much about Yadi Wang’s grade, which Ibelieve you can easily find was so outstanding from her transcripts and herranking (25th out of 1560 students), because I’d like to give you something thatyou cannot find from these documents but I think is equally important tocontribute to her excellence. I do hope, according to my recommendation, youcould give her a favorable revie Thank you! Please feel free to contactme.

  Yours sincerely,xx

  出國留學申請書 12

  In a world that is continually growing and evolving and problems such asglobal warming and population growth becoming ever more real, the need forinnovation and fresh ideas from the engineering world becomes increasinglyevident. It is this that attracts me to civil engineering as a career becausealthough I am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, thesense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making a difference tothe lives of others would be of great personal reward to me!

  My fascination for engineering started when I was young, and has onlyincreased since then. I enjoyed playing video and computer games that requiredplanning and strategy. I watched ?Extreme Engineering??? when it first airedon the Discovery channel and today I have seen every episode up to season fiveand am waiting to see the sixth season. I have a game called ???West PointBridge designer??? that has taught me about the different properties of eachtype of bridge and allows me to experiment with different bridge designs as wellas using different materials in the most cost effective way possible.

  Unfortunately for my parents, this fascination extended into reverseengineering as well and ranged from my toys as a child to unused household itemsand broken cars and motorcycles as an adolescent. This interest was thennurtured during my schooling and college years - at school learning about thehistory of art and how the smallest engineering discoveries led to the biggestarchitectural breakthroughs, for instance the impact that the arch, concrete andthe dome had on Ancient Roman and proceeding architecture. In college Ithoroughly enjoyed mathematics and physics particularly in the applied sections,and although my grades do not reflect this, a big portion of my gap year hasalready been spent on preparation towards of their improvement.

  As well as a lot of revision, my gap year so far has been a wealth of newexperiences and challenges from things as silly as learning to juggle and ride aunicycle to teaching myself to play the keyboard and getting my motorcyclelicense. I also had a job as a general labourer working under the site manageron a building site where I worked alongside the tradesmen and occasionally thearchitect, thereby gaining valuable experience in keeping to the strictrequirements of working to time schedules and regulations, planning, problemsolving and keeping quality of work up and expenses down. Previous to that Iworked at my local supermarket as a general assistant and was eventuallypromoted to a team leader. I was responsible for liaising with my managers andkeeping them up to date with what was happening around the store and making suremy staff knew what was expected of them throughout their shifts as well as doingmy own work around the store. This taught me how to deal with people in avariety of situations in a polite and professional manner while also greatlyimproving my communicational and social skills.

  Being born and raised in South Africa and having made the transition andadaptation to English culture and way of life with ease, I have no doubt I wouldadapt in much the same way to university life. Also I think it is important thatI have witnessed the differences in infrastructure between developed and thirdworld countries and their respective effects on the surrounding populations andfeel I could use this knowledge to my advantage.

  I am a very active person and sport has always been a big part of my life.In high school I captained my cricket and rugby teams and was part of theswimming, tennis and athletics teams and represented my home province incricket, athletics and surfing. Living over here I am a member of the localcricket and rugby club; I take part in the occasional darts and pool tournamentsand am a regular at the local health centre. All of this means I have a lot ofexperience in performing under pressure, pushing myself and working well as ateam.

  By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling planswhere I hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiringand eye opening experience; have learnt many more new skills and gained morerelevant work experience; and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part ofthe great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the world ofengineering.

  Yours sincerely,

  出國留學申請書 13

  Respectful Sir or Madam,I‘m writing to you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I’m very gladto hear you can provide scholarship for exchange students. That‘s really goodnews for me. And I am very appreciating that you can give me a chance to explainway I want to apply for a scholarship. My name is Haoyu Liu. I’m 17 years oldand I‘m a fresh man in Taiyuan No.2 Foreign Language High School. I’m very proudof as one of my school. I‘m diligent and I know I must be a useful person. So Ialways tell myself that I have to learn more and more. I’m also very outgoingand I like to help people as possible as I can. That‘s way I got many friends. Iwas born in Jixian,a small county with poor land and terrible weather. Myparents were farming at home. Even life doesn’t easy,I still hopeful enough. Istill love my hometown and I want to do something for my country. So I want tolearn more knowledge as possible as I can. I know how hard people‘s life. So Iwant to change it by myself. That’s way I‘m diligent and I like to help when I went to high school,our life got worst. My parents can’t afford mytuition. So my father went to Taiyuan to find a job. And we have to rent alittle house near by my school because my school is far from my hometown.

  But I still keep my faith,because I know that my family will support me tolet my dream come true forever. When I got the information that I can be anexchange student,I was exciting but confusing. I really want to go to German tostudy but I don‘t want my parents worry about my tuition. So I’m writing thisletter to you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I wish I can do betterjust because I have a dream that I can change my family,my hometown even mycountry. I hope I can share responsibility for my parents from this thing. Atschool,I‘m a good student. I’m interested about sports,arts and science. Ialso like to study foreign language. That‘s way I chose to study German andEnglish at school. I noticed that language can let me communicate with otherseasily. But I can’t only study language. I have to know about the Germanicculture clearly. That‘s way I need to be an exchange student this time. But Ineed your trust. I need a scholarship of your school,because I’m a goodstudent. I have a dream. In that dream,I can see my parents are smiling becauseI became a useful person. I can see my teachers are smiling when I came backfrom German. My will is strong. And I know I can do better when I go to I‘m writing to you to apply a scholarship. And I’m waiting for your nk you for your kind heart and reading my letter.

  Best wishes.

  Sincerely yours,Li Ming












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