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  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 1

Dear xx,

  Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China’s Ivy Leagueuniversities at 14 and joined the country’s topmost scientific researchinstitution as a graduate student at 19. Now an experienced engineer at 26, Iwould like to scale still higher intellectual heights by undertaking advancedstudies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge of scientificdevelopment.

  I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early childhood. For years, Iconsistently outperformed all of my classmates in such challenging subjects asmathematics, physics and chemistry. I was thus chosen to represent either myschool or my city in a variety of provincial and national contests of academicskills, in which I won numerous prizes. This impressive academic record put meon academic acceleration several times. That not only enabled me to finish myprimary and secondary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years butalso sent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the ChineseUniversity of Science and Technology, a major cradle of the country’s scientificand technological talents.

  After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I chose electricalengineering as my major and computer software programming as my minor, convincedthat expertise in these fields would stand me in good stead in an era of China’srapid economic expansion and technological modernization. As you can see fromthe transcripts of my undergraduate grades, I excelled in both of theseareas.

  Upon graduation in 1991, I won easy acceptance into the Institute ofElectronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a graduate studentat 19, when most Chinese students would be just starting their universityeducation. At this institute, I narrowed my academic interest down and focusedit on the area of human and artificial intelligence, where the courses I tookwere deliberately concentrated. It seemed to me that scientific breakthroughswould next come in this area, which made it both challenging and promising. Ilearned a whole lot about this area in the course if doing my thesis titled “TheRadio Shunting System in Railroad”, for which some experiments were conducted onthe basis of artificial intelligence.

  My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety ofresponsibilities in China’s burgeoning software industry. After I obtained myMaster’s Degree in Engineering in 1994, I first took up a job with atelecommunication company, where I managed a trunk communication system thatresembled the cellular wireless system. A year later, I joined a softwarecompany to develop CMIS program for China’s Post and TelecommunicationsMinistry. It was a large project, and I made crucial contribution to it byindependently developing and finalizing one subsystem, which proved to be asignificant success and won me profuse appreciation from users. After thecompletion of that project, I have been working for the Japan Brother Ltd. inthe area of software development.

  The relative smooth path of my career notwithstanding, I have not had achance to lead a major project, although I have always finished my part of everyproject immaculately. In spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have nottaken the full advantages of my intellectual capabilities. I now wish to pursuestill more advanced studies and thereby obtain an advanced degree so that I canopen more doors and shoulder greater responsibilities.

  I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework andsufficient practical experience for further studies. My ability to teach myselfand conduct independent research allows me to attain competence quickly in areasthat I may at first know very little about. I never work just to finish anassignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to improve my knowledge andexpertise through the work I do. In this fashion, I have become seasoned in suchfields as trunking system (telecommunications) and CMIS system (software). Thisquality should help me as I seek to further upgrade my education, particularlyif I have ready access to the seasoned guidance of a strong faculty and theconvenience of state-of-the-art research facilities.

  The University of Idaho is well known for its excellence in the E. E field,complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. Theseshould set a good stage for me to exercise my keen mental power and diligence.If I am accepted, I am confident that I can make quick progress in the E. Efield, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, image processing,wireless communication, neural network and computer networking, which have manycharacteristics in common and share many important principles. Due to the broadapplications of these technologies, I believe the progress we make in theseareas will help shape the future of the mankind. I would like t be at theforefront of such progress.

  As I am broadly grounded in EE and computer science, you may find mequalified or more qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those Ihave mentioned. If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me knowany suggestions that you may have.

  I wish to assure you that I have the necessary English language skills tocomplete advanced studies in your Ph. D. program. I generally read or writeEnglish without any difficulty. I have, over the years, not only read academicor professional materials in English avidly but also memorized the wholeEnglish-Chinese dictionary. There may be room for improvement in my oral Englishand English listening comprehension. But I am sure my English proficiency issufficient for me to undertake advanced studies and research. Besides, I believeI can improve my oral English by leaps and bounds once I start to live in anEnglish-speaking environment. All that I need to do is to set my mind free.

  I plan to return to China after the completion of my Ph. D. studies eitherto teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a high-techcorporation.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 2

Dear xx,

  Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for thisreason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting. This also hasmaintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers.

  I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and alsoduring the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSEEnglish. Last year and this year I have been improving my self-learning, anddeveloping many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications andA-level General Studies.

  My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. Specifically, I aminterested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificialintelligence. I also want to learn about human cognition and machineintelligence. I have been studying the online debate over whether machines willever become "intelligent" given the current course of research and reading aboutsuch issues as whether a machine can acquire "common sense" (as discussed inHubert Dreyfuss book “What Computers Still Cant Do”). I have been exploringmany different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such asneural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing). Thebottom line is that I want to be a part of this exciting field.

  Over the summer I traveled to Russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring avery different part of the world.

  My other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football,tennis and general fitness. Ever since the start of sixth form I have been asuccessful member of the college football team. I have played basketball as anenrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixthform. I also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at thecollege. In addition to pursuing my academic studies I would like to continuesome of these sports at university.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 3

Dear xxx,

  “Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams die, life is a broken winged birdthat cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren fieldfrozen with snow.” These are the lines I recite to myself, whenever I formulatea major objective in my life. Cherishing the desire to fully realize myself-fulfillment, I have always hoped that my life will consist of materializinga succession of aspirations and ideals.

  Our dreams are the impetus that drives us to make progress. If we likenourselves to planes, our dreams are the maintenance and fuel that drive usforward to reach our goals. Some planes may never have flied, while others mayhave landed in many places. It all depends on their goals and jet fuelsupplement. Therefore, it is of great importance to set goals in life first andthen find the best place to replenish enough fuel supplements.

  Proud of having more English learners than any other country in the world,China has a more demand for English experts since its entry into the WTO. As anEnglish teacher who has worked in this field for over three years, I have aclear vision of the future of English teaching in China, and I am determined toscale a higher height in English in a more advanced country which is rich in jetfuel. I am ready to take off.

  During my undergraduate study, I majored in Marketing, and benefited a lot from the multicultural environment at Beijing International Studies University,where I was able to excel both academically and personally. Our school attachesgreat importance to cultivating students in a practical way. We were requirednot only to lay a solid foundation in our major coursework, but also to have agood command of English so as to meet the demands of society. Within such anourishing atmosphere, I developed myself in a comprehensive way. Apart from mymajor coursework study, I nurtured my gift for English and spent most of myspare time teaching English to others. I worked as a part-time English teacherat Li Yang Crazy English training school and as an English tutor to middleschool students and adults. My interest and ability in English grew in thisprocess.

  I was recruited by Beijing Bayi Middle School to teach English after mygraduation. In order to enrich my experience,I studied by myself the educationalpsychology in my spare time. I also did some research work comparing Americanand Chinese education. I found that Chinese students and teachers are superiorto the Americans in knowledge accumulation, but we are inferior to Americans inpotential, because the American teachers have been exerting significantimportance on the students’ psychology while nearly 2/3 Chinese teachers arepoor in this aspect. Realizing such a problem in Chinese way of teaching, I haveperfected my teaching in daily life. For example, I often praised my students inclass no matter how simple the questions were; I adopted the “portfolio system“in class especially for those from poor families or single-parent families to“talk” with them in a more informal way; I encouraged the students who laggedbehind with the method of “yes-right hand and no-left hand” that is, if he orshe knew the answer, then they put his or her right hand up, vice verse…To mydelight, my endeavor paid in the end : nearly all of my students graduallybecame more confident and like English more and more. Through the familiaritywith my students, I also gradually realized that an English teacher is more likea helper to deliver the kernel of Western culture to cultivate the students’characteristics than a person just imparting the knowledge.

  In 2005, I helped to found the “Chinese University Alliance EducationTraining Company” with my partner Wang Nuoda, a Lecturer of CommunicationUniversity of China. We are eager to help those students who have passion inlearning English while lack in methods. Besides teaching the students, I alsodid some training work to the new employees, introducing them how to lead-in,how to make the boring grammar more vivid, how to make the students moreinterested in the class by using the PPT and real materials.

  However, there are still things that make me confused. In China, parentstreat their children’s education very seriously. In recent years, with China’srapid development and the trend of globalization, parents have put more emphasison their children’s education in English - the universal language. Children areexposed to English on the day they start kindergarten. Some poorer parents evenlead a bitter life to save money so that their children can attend an Englishtraining program after class. However, such “English fever”, to some extent,speeds up polarization of students’ English level, and more seriously, manystudents’ “hate” English from a young age.

  So, How to deal with this problem? I have been asking myself this question,and have found the answer in myself. What I have mastered is far from enough forme to figure out the best way to teach English. In addition, I think that I needto improve myself in a comprehensive manner, not only in academic field but alsoin personality. As we know, teachers are called the engineer of people’s soul.So they must cultivate themselves both morally and professionally. With adevoted heart to English education, I am determined to quit my present job andadd some jet fuel so that I can fly higher and further and finally land at mydesignated destination.

  As we know, the United States enjoys a high reputation in the theoreticalresearch and practice of TESOL. In my future study, I intend to learn the theoryof TESOL and English teaching methodology, i.e. how a teacher deals with theproblems found in the students and helps them achieve good study results.Moreover, my study in your esteemed university will get me further acquaintedwith the language and culture, communicate with the native-speakers and improvemy English ability in a comprehensive manner.

  After finishing my Master’s program, I intend to continue my Englishteaching at a top university in China, to contribute what I have learned tothose who need my help. Besides, I will be actively engaged in searching forEnglish studying methods that best suit the Chinese people, so as to turn outmore students with a skilled mastery of English that are required on China’smarket.

  Your University is like an advanced airport that provides high qualitymaintenance and jet fuel, and where I can land and from where I can fly further.I have heard the call: “Yan Huijin’s flight is about to take off” and “YanHuijin’s flight is about to land at…“ I am convinced that I can reach mydestination. I can make it. My dream will come true.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 4

Dear xxx,

  At present, the world has 17 international hotel management groups toinvest high-star hotel in Shanghai, and hotel of Beijing will reach 800 withinthree years. As the hotel industry are continuing to expand, the demand forhotel management talent are ever increasing. In China, it need to Thousands ofinternational hotel management talents every year. It is this that attracts meto hotel management as a career because although am aware of the many pressuresand demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that Iwould be making contribution to my country in the future would be of greatpersonal reward to me!

  I first encountered hotel management during work experience with a localhotel, working as a tourist manager assistant in July 2008.It was a summer jobwhich was supposed to fill up my free time and increase my budget. I knew I wasgoing to like it because I am keen on meeting new people and visiting touristdestinations, but I did not even suspect how much it would affect me. As anassistant I was required to help the tourist manager accommodate the guests andorganize different kinds of entertainment. This job gave me opportunity tobecome acquainted with the work of such people as hotel, club and eventmanagers. I was deeply impressed by their diligence to satisfy every need oftheir customers. I have realized the responsibility of their profession, but Ihave also understood how satisfied they are when their clients are happy. I willnever forget the face of the tourist manager I worked with when the gueststhanked him for the perfect holiday. His face was beaming. Despite the fact Iwas only an assistant I felt satisfaction too seeing that the tourists werecontent with our work. This feeling of gratification and even happiness moredriven me decide to study Hospitality management.

  In 2007, with my academic performance of high school, especially threeyears average point of math in high school were approximately 90(full score was100),among the best in class, I entered Hebei university of Engineering. Infact, when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study in America.Because of living with my parents from birth to high school graduation, andwithout having anyone around to advise me about the new abroad life I will face,I was afraid and not fully ready to figure out everything by myself. Thischanged, however, during my time at the HeBei University of Engineering. Iachieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 during my first academic year and second academic year,and am confident that this third academic years results will be even better. Itis more important that I can deal with everything by myself. Besides mycoursework, I joined the Student Art Troupe and Dancer, where I organized andparticipated various school wide parties, Art Festivals and dancingperformances. I also participated in several community service activities,including the Visited Autism Children in Rehabilitation Center, Cared for theElderly in HanShan Community planting tree in GuangMing Square and so on.

  I also developed many extracurricular hobbies .I started to like reading,which largely enriches my knowledge in many different fields. A Brief History ofTime by Stephen Hawking is one of my favorite books. I loved music and wasmastered in piano. When fretting, I would listen to some soft music then myheart could clam down; when tired, I would enjoy some classic music or jazz torelax myself; when playing Beethoven’s music by piano, I feel encouraged andmoved. I also spend much of my spared time in sports especially basketball andsoccer, in which teamwork are highly involved.

  The success of these two years instilled within me a drive to improvemyself, prompting me to seek greater challenges and rewards; I am now ready forthe path to academic excellence and figure out everything by myself. I havebecome a very ambitious and hard-working student, and the Johnson and WalesUniversity is ideal for my needs.I believe Johnson and Wales University willprovide me with the perfect atmosphere for bettering my life and my creativeabilities. And it will offer me much more than an education. It also will offerme the opportunity to learn how to be an individual who can fulfill societysneeds both now and in the future. When I think of Johnson and Wales University,the aspects that most impress me and fan my desire to immerse myself in thisprestigious learning environment are JWU’s excellent resources. It has anoutstanding undergraduate program. Its environment is conducive to learning andgrowing. In addition to having some of the most recognized and lauded faculty inworld, JWU is committed to maintaining a diverse student population. As personof Chinese heritage who grew up in China, and is now planning to embark on myuniversity studies in the United States, I see this commitment to diversity asan essential element.

  My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified manager and towork my way up in a large five star hotel or seven star hotel to become a hotelManager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I amworking hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful hotelmanagers have. And, I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful managerand will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 5

Dear xx,

  I find a constant source of pleasure in conceptualising unfamiliar ideas aswell as thinking logically and analytically to arrive at satisfying and oftenbeautiful proofs. I am fascinated by the ubiquity of maths and the way that itunderpins everything around us. I encountered binary maths at the age of fiveand since then have found numbers and logic bewitching.

  I have had many opportunities to apply my maths skills over the years. Inyear 7, I obtained a gold award in the UK Mathematical Challenge which gained mea place on a series of mathematics master-classes. These classes covered topicsranging from relativity to John Conway’s Perpetual Calendar and showed me a moremature mathematical way of thinking. Reading books such as ‘Fermat’s LastTheorem’ and attending various maths and science lectures also fuelled anddeepened my interest. I regularly attend a maths club in Cardiff University,tackling problems independently then discussing solutions with other keenmathematicians. I completed a national engineering scheme where our teamundertook a project to save water. We did extensive research to developsolutions for the company’s challenge then produced a report on our findings anddelivered an extended presentation to a panel. For the project to succeed we hadto apply a wide range of skills for example ICT, problem solving, communicationand application of number. I have enjoyed learning more about the way the worldworks through chemistry and physics lessons while the many unfamiliar andabstract ideas in maths have been fascinating. I thrive on independent study,yet enjoy collaboration. My tutoring of students for their GCSE maths was afascinating experience which also helped me analyse and develop my own studiesand mathematical skills. Over the last six months I have volunteered for over100 hours in an after-school, play-care facility. I also run a book club and acontemporary dance club at my school where I have learned how to preparesuitable yet challenging work for the students then apply my preparation intopractice. I subscribe to National Geographic and read the New Scientistregularly.

  I am ‘full of life’, confident and at ease in new situations. I enjoy theunknown. I am determined and committed to everything I decide to do and like toarrive at my own conclusions through discussion and debate. Dance is a passionfor me as a creative and practical activity. I do over 7 hours a week of balletand contemporary dance training which has given me a high-level technique andskill base with a growing sense of artistry. I am a member of the national dancecompany of Wales’ associates’ scheme and am studying advanced grades in ballet.I travel widely, recently visiting places such as India, Morocco and Vietnam –all of which have increased my sense of independence and search for newexperiences. I represent my County in cross-country races, which offers mephysical and mental challenges which I face with eager enthusiasm.

  The increased pace of Further Maths has suited me and I have succeeded ingaining 100% in four of my maths and physics modules in year 12. Thefar-reaching applicability and connections between different fields inmathematics gives me a thirst for knowledge across a broad spectrum of pure andapplied mathematics. By tackling and discussing challenging maths problems andextending my knowledge in a variety of ways, I have found my passion for mathsincreasing greatly this year. I want this to continue in my university lifethrough the intensity of the maths course and I want to gain a depth ofknowledge in mathematics. I know this will lead me along fascinating avenues andI look forward to finding out about new and exciting areas of mathematics as Imake the transition from school to university.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 6

Dear xxx,

  Since a very young age I have always enjoyed caring for people and I feel agreat sense of achievement helping people. Biology and Chemistry have alwaysbeen two of my strongest and most enjoyable subjects throughout my academicstudies. My interest in the chemistry of life has lead to me deciding that Iwish to pursue a degree in the Pharmacy discipline.

  From my A level work I have gained many key skills which will be beneficialto a career in Pharmacy. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able todevelop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential forPharmacists. Throughout my AS Biology I was able to improve upon mycommunication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data for which Ihad independently recorded on the field trip in Oxford. I enjoy the applicationof logical scientific thinking and knowledge of natural laws to analyse andsolve problems occurring in Pharmacy.

  As a Pharmacist you do require some skills in mathematics. Maths A levelhas provided me with the knowledge in analysing and solving problems and fromthis I have gained sharp numerical skills. With Maths, I am able to calculatethe accurate dosage of the drug which is required for the patient in relation tohospital pharmacy.

  A levels required a lot of independent work compared to my previouseducational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself efficiently. This hashelped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules thatwere presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a greatimprovement in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills areessential and will aid me to become a successful Pharmacy universitystudent.

  I am currently gaining work experience in my local dentist, which I enjoythoroughly and I am gaining a wonderful insight to the world of Dentistry. Icompleted two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridgewhich was very beneficial to me as I was able to improve my communication skillsand learn more about the so called "new world". During this time I was involvedin a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution actionreport relating to an investigation I was involved with.

  I attended and completed the Challenge of Management course whichdevelops key skills such as communication, planning, problem solving andresponsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped mein my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productiveand efficient Pharmacy university student.

  I have completed 6 weeks community service at Grestone Primary School.

  This also allowed me to develop my personal traits, as I have always beenkeen to help others.

  Many positive comments were made on my appearance, punctuality, attitudeand professional relationships with children.

  In my time at Handsworth Grammar School I have assisted at Open Days,Parents Evenings and 11+ Examinations. My main priorities were showing visitorsand potential students around the school to make sure each occasion was runsmoothly. I have been awarded certificates of gratitude for such events. I havebenefited a great deal from such responsibilities as they have helped me improveupon the quality of my teamwork skills immensely. In addition to this I havealso been supporting the Duty Team on Wednesdays, where I have to supervisestudents coming in to school. This has helped me widen my communication skillsamongst both younger and older students. All of these key skills have enabled meto attain high academic grades constantly throughout my school life thus I havebeen awarded numerous certificates for achievement.

  Outside of school I have many interests which include attending a snookerclub once a week as I have an interest in the sport, which also helps to improvemy concentration skills. I am currently a member of my leisure centre, which Iuse regularly due to my passion in keeping fit and healthy. I particularly enjoysports such as football and badminton. In addition I have been involved intaking part in Punjabi lessons in my local library. As a result of taking partof this I have achieved a certificate for supplementary education attendancecertificate.

  I am a reliable, determined and enthusiastic person who will relish theopportunity to study pharmacy if I am given the opportunity.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 7

Dear xxx,

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

  In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have the ability to make decisions on their own, though the extent to which this is true depends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. These organizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

  The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission to your well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program, but to impress upon you my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in both scholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based my decision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, but rather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is that money and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives and that in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from ones inner needs. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to use this gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 8

Dear xxx,

  The success that a person can achieve in his or her career depends largelyupon the extent that he or she is emotionally attached to the career that he orshe is pursuing. As far as I am concerned, I believe that I am in fullpossession of the necessary and potential qualities for achieving success in mycareer because the first day that I was exposed to tourism, I became enamored ofthis fascinating profession. In undertaking tourism as a profession, I have beenexposed to a pluralistic cultural value. In return, I can expose the rest of theworld to the ancient civilization of Chinese culture. In other words, I havebeen able to broaden my vision and horizon on one hand and impart my knowledgeof Chinese culture to foreign tourists who come to savor the fascinating Chineseculture. For me, tourism serves as a bridge that connects both China and therest of the world, linking the past history with contemporary culture. This isexactly the underlying reason behind my intense love of tourism.

  As a practitioner of tourism business in China, a major country of touristattraction, I have always been very proud of the tremendous potential of China’stourism industry. According to the prediction made by the 14th Conference ofWorld Tourism Organization held in Oct. 2001, China’s tourism will experience amajor phase of rapid development within two decades and by 2020 China willbecome a country of the largest tourist influx. Vice versa, the number ofChinese citizens who visit foreign countries will reach one billion annually,ranking No. 4 in the world. What’s more, China has formally joined the WTO andthe Olympic Games will be held in x within six years. All those factors willcontribute significantly to the rapid, yet sustained growth of Chinese tourismindustry. In order for China to become a leading country of tourism within 20years, it is imperative that China’s tourism-oriented hotel industry developinto a mainstay business. In this process, to learn from advanced and successfulsystems and experiences of hotel industry in the world becomes an indispensablestep. It is my expectation that I make my own contributions to this process inmy chosen field. This constitutes the most direct motive behind my presentdecision to apply for a Master’s program in the specialty of Hotel & TourismManagement from your esteemed university.

  Compared with a multitude of other applicants, I believe that my greatestcompetitive edge lies in my academic training and in my ample practicalexperience in the related fields. My undergraduate career was spent in xInstitute, often regarded as the university of tourism of China. It is the mostprestigious university in China which is specifically designed to train futureprofessionals for China’s tourism industry who are equipped with both foreignlanguage competence and specialized knowledge of tourism. On account of thisspecial characteristic of my university, I not only did excellent coursework inmy proper specialty—Russian Language—but also benefited importantly from acomprehensive tourism-oriented curriculum that included such specialized coursesas General Introduction to Tourism, Geography for Tourism, and ProfessionalTourist Guide. Taking into account the practical nature of tourism, I took partin a considerable amount of extracurricular activities of fieldwork andinternships. I left my footprints in virtually all the major hotels and touristresorts of x by working as hotel receptionists and serving as tourist guide. Bythe time I completed my four-year undergraduate program, I not only masteredRussian language with high proficiency but also achieved all the necessaryqualifications for becoming a professional tourism personnel.

  For approximately three years since my graduation, I have been working as atourist guide for international travelers, a career which has further enabled meto accumulate much practical experience and expertise. Working at the EuropeanDepartment of x, the largest travel agency in China, I have been faced withconstant challenges. First of all, I have further enriched my professionalknowledge and refined my proficiency in foreign languages, both of which areessential for undertaking foreign-related tourism. Apart from using my knowledgeof Russian language and relevant knowledge of tourism with much facility, I havemade extra efforts to perfect my English language. Over the past two years, Ihave constantly improved my English language capacity from passing the TOEFLtest with a satisfactory score (the test was taken at the end of myundergraduate program) to the present level of independently and perfectlyproviding tourist guide in English. In addition, I have also developed theability to prepare all the work plans and documents in English with muchfacility. Finally, within the past three years, I have received countlessinternational tourists and dealt with a large number of emergency situations.Those experiences have not only trained my ability of organization andcoordination, the ability to live and work independently, but also provided mewith important opportunities to demonstrate my professional qualities as awell-trained and excellent tourist guide. All those qualities andqualifications, I believe, will prove vitally important to me in achievingsuccess in my future academic program and professional career.

  Nevertheless, in my practical work experience, I have become acutely awarethat, although China has made considerable development in its tourism and hotelbusiness over the past decade, yet compared with advanced countries and regionsin the world, China lags significantly behind them in terms of the level ofinformation and network development, the efficiency of management, theeffectiveness of decision-making and, ultimately, the level of profitability. xconstitutes one of the most renowned bases of top-level hotels in the world,full of creative and original concepts of hotel, tourism and cuisine service andmanagement. In the same way, the College of x of x University is ranked amongthe top institutions of high education in hotel management in Asia. Designatedas its international headquarters and secretariat by the x, the College hasbeen accepted by the International Tourism Organization as the network memberfor hotel and tourism education. The College is the only one of its kind in Asiato have received this special honor. It is my expectation to be part of theelite group of this prestigious College. By conforming myself to the trends ofthe age of knowledge economy and to the demands of the present-day hotel andtourism industry, I am determined to develop myself into professional of hotelmanagement who is equipped both with the advanced knowledge of hotel managementin the world but also with the practical experience of local market operations,a person who can assimilate both Western and Chinese experiences. My ultimateplan is to bring advanced hotel and tourism management methods and operationsback to the mainland to facilitate my own career development.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 9

Dear xxx,

  Mathematics and Physics have always been my favourite subjects throughoutmy schooling career, mostly due to the implications on the real world. By takingMechanical Engineering at university, I have the opportunity to continue withthese two passions of mine. I have enjoyed carrying out practical experimentswhich can then be proved using mathematical calculations. I took part in aCombined Cadet Force (CCF) and specialised in the Royal Electrical andMechanical Engineering (REME) section. In this, five pupils maintained andrepaired old cars then use them to practise driving skills on the schoolgrounds. This has given me an insight of the engineering behind everyday carsand has increased my enthusiasm to study engineering at university and thenpossibly begin a career in this field. Over the summer, I arranged for an expertto take me out to see a nodding donkey and explain how they worked. Noddingdonkeys are structures used to collect oil from the ground using fairly simpletechniques and mechanical gears

  Sport has led a major role in my life over the recent years. I haveregularly taken part in inter-house matches in rugby, basketball, hockey, andfive a side indoor football and represented my school in rugby. I also enjoyrunning and have taken part in two long distance races, one of which wassponsored and for charity. Music has also been a large influence on my life as Ihave been playing the Alto Saxophone since I was nine years of age. I feel musicis essential as it can be used to relax from the hectic school days. There arefrequent Political Society and Science Society meetings that I regularly attendwhich greatly helped me as they expand my knowledge and showed me how theorieslearnt in lessons were put into practice in real life situations. I find thesesocieties to be very intriguing because they offer me the chance to talk indepth to experts about subjects that they specialize in and have come to talk atthe meetings about, thus broadening my knowledge and interest in the subjects Itake part in

  As an Upper Sixth House Prefect, I have had to take on many newresponsibilities and have learnt a lot about myself. My main role around houseas a prefect was to organise chores and jobs that needed to be done. This hastaught me a lot about organising things well in advance and making sure everyonecan do what they are asked efficiently. In Lower 6th, I was on a team of sevenpupils elected to run a fête during a school sports day. On this committee, Ifound that much planning needs to be done in preparation for such large scaleevents and even the smaller tasks needed to be done well in advance

  When things needed done, leadership skills came into place to delegatetasks and bring all of the events together. On the day, the seven pupils had toperform under pressure which we did and the fête was a success.

  Yours sincerely,


  優秀留學澳洲個人申請書 10

Dear xxx,

  It is estimated that within the two hundred independent countries of theworld there are 6800 different spoken languages, creating a huge expanse oflanguage barriers, hand signals andlost translations. However, within this mass of worldwide confusion, pictures and photography can still be understood universally. Maybe its a cliched point to prove, but personally I think this under lines the concept that a picture can (with no specified language) speak athousand words to a thousand different people. I find this idea of global understanding deeply fascinating and it is one reason among many which has propelled me towards the study and creation of photography and the visualarts.

  From a young age I have had an interest in pictures and drawing, which developed, as I got older into an interest in textiles and a love of fashion. From this I decided to do an introductory course at The London College of Fashion, and it was there that my idea to pursue a career in photography and artdirection first occurred. I found that although I was interested in thelogistics and business side of the fashion industry it was the compositions, vibrant images and individuality of the advertising campaigns that truly inspired me. Studying photography at A-level I have learnt the importance ofindividual style and personal reading; seeing this put into practice in magazinesand adverts led me to decide that with the aid of higher education I wanted togo on and work with photography and advertising.

  I have always had a flair for business, completing GCSE, AS and A level exams with a high-grade average. I have learnt the importance of finances and budget restraints, which I think is a very valuable lesson to learn. By studying English Language I have been able to improve my writing skills and expand myknowledge of the way in which words can be used to influence and explain. I have found both these subjects to have aided me with various independent projects andhave increased my understanding and ability to perform at a high level indifferent areas. When I joined The Henley College I began working and learning with a wide range of different people from different backgrounds, it was a largechange from the structured life of an all girls grammar school. However, I found moving to this environment and a new way of education highly liberating, I wasable to adjust very quickly, both socially and to the educational practices. From this experience I learnt to be very open to new opportunities and places, which has helped me with the projects and jobs I have done.

  There are a large range of skills required when working in commercialphotography-an example of these being networking and perseverance. In order togain a wider perspective into the challenges of this as a career, as well as my subject course work, I have done freelance work on a number of occasions including photographing private events and parties. I found these jobs to bemore subjective as I had to work to a very specific brief with tight deadlines; the results of such experiences I have found to be highly positive. I have learnt to compromise with difficult clients and have had one of my photographs printed in BCFA member directory as part of an advertising campaign. However, the biggest learning curve I experienced was when observing work at a professional studio it was here I witnessed the patience and communicationskills needed to become a successful art director. I think by working withlens-based media at a degree level I will be further towards gaining theattributes needed for this area of work.

  From university I hope to go on to and work within the photography andcreative advertising industry. I know the skills necessary are both creativelyand academically challenging, but due to my ambition, social ability and general love of photography, I think it is definitely something I could excel at, giventhe opportunity.

  Yours sincerely,













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