

時(shí)間:2021-06-09 10:47:49 自我介紹 我要投稿





  1.I am very glad to know that my letter and resume have been received.


  2.We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement.I would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position.


  3.It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for interview.


  4.I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.


  5.Yes,Im here for an interview as requested.


  6.Nice to meet you.


  7.Have you brought your credentials? 你帶證明材料來了嗎?


  工作經(jīng)驗(yàn):顯露實(shí)力,避免炫耀①I:Have you ever been employed?

  ②I:Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?

  A:I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

  ③I:Have you done any work in this field?④I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

  ⑤I:What have you learned from the jobs

  you have had?

  A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

  ⑥I:What’s you major weak point?

  A:I haven’t been involved in international business, so I don’t have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?(實(shí)話實(shí)說好了,不必客氣,但應(yīng)注意語氣和表情,不要給人炫耀之感。)

  ⑧I:Please tell me about your working experience.

  ⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

  A:No, I haven’t discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.


  ①I:How do you spend your spare time?②I:Are you interested in sports?

  ③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

  ④I:What kind of personality do you think you have?

  A:I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something, I don’t like to leave it halfdone. I can’t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

  ⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be happy?

  A:Different people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknit, and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am.⑥I:What makes you angry?

  A:Dishonesty. It’s unacceptable.

  ⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?A:I’m afraid I’m a poor talker. I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

  ⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?

  A:I don’t try to lead people. I’d rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.

  篇二:開頭語與自我介紹 開頭語與自我介紹

  2.從中國國際貿(mào)易促進(jìn)會(huì)獲悉,你們有意采購電器用具。 we have heard from china council for the promotion of international trade that

  you are in the market for electric appliances.



  from ..., we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are

  experienced importers of .... we have pleasure in offering you ... of which we would

  appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.

  5.從?獲悉你公司專門經(jīng)營?,現(xiàn)愿與你公司建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 we learn from ... that your firm specializes in ..., and would like to establish

  business relationship with you.

  6.承??的介紹,獲悉你們是??有代表性的進(jìn)口商之一。through the courtesy of.... we have learned that you are one of the representative

  importers of ...





  the.... bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are oneof the leading importers (exporters) of ... and are interested in trading with

  china in these lines ...



  你們,盼能不斷地接到你們的定單。through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we

  learned that you are well-established importers of ... and are writing to you in the

  hope of receiving your orders from time to time.

  11.我們欣然寄發(fā)這封自薦信,希望是互利關(guān)系的前奏。we are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the

  prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.

  12.我們有幸自薦,盼望能有機(jī)會(huì)與你們合作,擴(kuò)展業(yè)務(wù)。 we have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have

  an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.

  13.我們冒昧通信,以期待與貴公司建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 we take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations

  with your firm.


  we wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing

  exclusively in light industrial goods.

  15.也許你們已有所知,我們是國營公司,經(jīng)營??(商品)的進(jìn)出口業(yè)務(wù)。 as you may

  be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as .. in both

  import and export business.



  as you are one of the leading importers in ..., we have pleasure in contacting

  you in the hope of establishing business relations and rendering you assistance in

  a wide range of your requirements.



  we understand that you are interested in both the import and export of ... and

  it is on this subject that we wish to introduce ourselves in the hope of establishing mutually beneficial business relations between our two



  現(xiàn)在寄去商品目錄和價(jià)目單,用以向你公司毛遂自薦。 the high reputation, which you are enjoying as camera importers, has rendered

  us desirous of entering into business relations with you. accordingly, we introduce

  ourselves to you by sending you our catalogs and price-lists.



  20.我們專門經(jīng)營中國美術(shù)工藝品出口,愿與你們進(jìn)行交易。 specializing in the export of chinese art & craft goods we express our desire

  to trade with you in this line.

  21.我們的主要業(yè)務(wù)是紡織品和手工藝品。our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.

  22.我們經(jīng)營這項(xiàng)業(yè)務(wù)已有多年。 we have been in this line of business for many years.

  23.本信目的是探索與你們發(fā)展貿(mào)易的可能性。 the purpose of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade

  with you.

  24.我們愿在平等互利、互通有無的基礎(chǔ)上與你公司建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 we are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of

  equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.

  25.我們愿與你們建立友好業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系,分享互利的交易。we wish to establish friendly business relations with you to enjoy a share of

  mutually profitable business.

  26.盼直接洽談,以便將你公司特種經(jīng)營商品引進(jìn)我地市場。 we wish to enter into direct negotiation with you with a view to introducing your

  special lines in our market.

  27.我們有意向中華人民共和國尋求原油供應(yīng)來源的可能性.we are interested in the possibility of establishing sources of supply of crude


  1.從中華人民共和國駐…大使館商務(wù)參贊處獲悉貴公司名稱和地址,現(xiàn)借此機(jī)會(huì)與貴方通信,意在達(dá)成一些實(shí)際交易為開端,以建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in..., we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


  We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.

  3.駐貴地的中國領(lǐng)事向我們介紹,你公司是…生產(chǎn)…(商品)的大出口商。 Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of ... goods produced in ....


  From ..., we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of .... We have pleasure in offering you ... of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


  We learn from ... that your firm specializes in ..., and would like to establish business relationship with you.


  Through the courtesy of.... we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ...


  Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.


  The.... Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one

  of the leading importers (exporters) of ... and are interested in trading with China in these lines ...


  We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ...,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


  Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of ... and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.


  We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.


  We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.


  We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.


  We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.

  15.也許你們已有所知,我們是國營公司,經(jīng)營……(商品)的進(jìn)出口業(yè)務(wù)。 As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as .. in both import and export business.


  As you are one of the leading importers in ..., we have pleasure in contacting you in the hope of establishing business relations and rendering you assistance in a wide range of your requirements.


  We understand that you are interested in both the import and export of ... and it is on this subject that we wish to introduce ourselves in the hope of

  establishing mutually beneficial business relations between our two corporations.


  The high reputation, which you are enjoying as camera importers, has rendered us desirous of entering into business relations with you. Accordingly, we introduce ourselves to you by sending you our catalogs and price-lists.


  The commodities we are handling consist of the manufactures of the first-rate paper mills of this country, and so we are in a good position to serve your customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggest.


  Specializing in the export of Chinese Art & Craft Goods we express our desire to trade with you in this line.


  Our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.


  We have been in this line of business for many years.


  The purpose of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.


  We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.


  We wish to establish friendly business relations with you to enjoy a share of mutually profitable business.


  We wish to enter into direct negotiation with you with a view to introducing your special lines in our market.


  We are interested in the possibility of establishing sources of supply of crude

  oil from the People's Republic of China.


  We advise you to make use of our experience and special knowledge on trial.


  We trust that our experience in foreign trade and intimate knowledge of international market conditions will entitle us to your confidence.

  30.我公司與此地可靠的批發(fā)商有密切聯(lián)系,能與你公司作可觀的進(jìn)口業(yè)務(wù)。 Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, we shall be able to do considerable import business with you.


  We are able to quote you very advantageous terms.


  寫信的原則(Writing Principles)已從原來的3個(gè)“C”(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)發(fā)展到目前的7個(gè)“C”:Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration


  Dear Sirs,

  With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable.


  Dan Smith是一位美國的健身用品經(jīng)銷商,此次是Robert Liu第一回與他交手。就在短短幾分鐘的交談中,Robert Liu既感到這位大漢粗獷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思??他肯定是沙場老將,自己絕不可掉以輕心。雙方第一回過招如下:

  D: I'd like to get the ball rolling(開始)by talking about prices.

  R: Shoot.(洗耳恭聽)I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

  D: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking.

  R: You think we about be asking for more?(laughs)

  D: (chuckles莞爾) That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.

  R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers.

  D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business??volume sales(大筆交易)??that will slash your costs(大量減低成本)for making the Exec-U-ciser, right?

  R: Yes, but it's hard to see how you can place such large orders. How could you turn over(銷磬)so many? (pause) We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.

  D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period. What if we place orders for twelve months, with a guarantee?

  R: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further



  R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much.

  D: Just what are you proposing?











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