摘 要
經過 30 余年的改革開放,我國社會生活各領域都發生了深刻變化,社會管理必須與時俱進,不斷創新。酒泉市地處祖國大西北,社會管理上主要承襲傳統的管理模式。在新的形勢下,能否根據國家戰略目標和酒泉市具體市情進行管理創新,關涉酒泉市的發展走向和歷史命運。
After more than three decades of the Reform and Opening up, a lot of profoundchanges have taken place in China's social life in various fields so ,social managementmust keep pace with the times and continually innovate. Jiuquan is an important citylocated in northwest of China, where social management mainly inherited the traditionalmanagement strategy. In current new situation, management innovation play an importantrole in achieving both the national strategic target and the specific situation of Jiuquancity, which also determinate the long-term development of Jiuquan city.
At present, the practice of social management in our country urgently requiredmanagement innovation. The theory of management innovation at home and abroadprovides a theoretical foundation for the implementation of management innovation, theexploration of the regional management innovation contribute a great experience. Now,social management innovation has been the emergence of a new historical opportunity.
The establishment of Jiuquan city committee for comprehensive management of socialmanagement is not only considered as the city management organizational innovation,but also the milestone of social management innovation in this region. Pilot explorationin recent years has formed highly Jiuquan characteristic examples, such as “HarmoniousSuzhou mode”, “Wisdom Dunhuang mode”, and “Guazhou Xihu mode”, of whichpromoting the healthy development of the economy and social ability and leading to theoverall prosperity of regional culture. Under current period, the urban and rural socialmanagement development is not optimal balanced, the social management of publicparticipation is not sufficient,public sector shows limited capability to fulfill role inproviding public service and goods in social management innovation of Jiuquan city. Themain reason is that the innovation concept is too lag , innovation system is notcomprehensive,innovation mechanism is not perfect. Therefore, social management ofJiuquan city needs to be innovated from several aspects, including concept updated,platform building, mechanism optimization and other aspects.
This paper uses the method of literature study, through the consult books, journals,archives and so on many kinds of ways, comprehensively collect and organize relatedinformation. Using the method of social survey, to take an investigation in the the pilotarea, collect the data and information in first-hand. and analyze the data by ways ofempirical analysis, comparative analysis, and causal analysis as well as other methods.
Finally, this study will conclude the results from above analysis, and provide an usepolicy advice to enhance the development of social management innovation.
Keywords: Social management; Innovation; Comprehensive treatment
目 錄
摘 要
第 1 章 緒 論
1.1 課題的背景與意義
1.1.1 課題研究的背景
1.1.2 課題研究的意義
1.2 國內外研究現狀
1.2.1 國外研究現狀
1.2.2 國內研究現狀
1.3 課題研究的內容與方法
1.3.1 課題研究的內容
1.3.2 課題研究的方法
第 2 章 社會管理創新的理論基礎
2.1 社會管理與社會管理創新
2.1.1 社會管理
2.1.2 社會管理創新
2.2 國外社會管理基本理論
2.2.1 新公共管理理論
2.2.2 新公共服務理論
2.2.3 治理與善治理論
2.3 國內社會管理創新基本理論
2.3.1 生態理論
2.3.2 協同理論
2.3.3 開放式創新理論
2.3.4 分布式創新理論
2.4 本章小結
第 3 章 酒泉市社會管理創新的探索實踐
3.1 酒泉市社會管理背景
3.1.1 酒泉市區位概況
3.1.2 酒泉市地理環境
3.1.3 酒泉市行政區劃
3.2 酒泉市社會管理的組織創新
3.2.1 社會管理綜合治理委員會的成立
3.2.2 酒泉市綜治委“一辦八組”職責
3.3 酒泉市社會管理創新試點探索
3.3.1 和諧肅州模式
3.3.2 智慧敦煌模式
3.3.3 瓜州西湖模式
3.4 本章小結
第 4 章 酒泉市社會管理創新現狀分析
4.1 酒泉市社會管理創新的基本成就
4.1.1 促進了社會持續穩定
4.1.2 推動了經濟健康發展
4.1.3 帶動了文化更加繁榮
4.2 酒泉市社會管理創新存在的問題
4.2.1 社會矛盾化解成效不顯著
4.2.2 城鄉社會管理發展不平衡
4.2.3 公共部門服務職能不到位
4.2.4 公眾社會管理參與不積極
4.2.5 社會管理創新手段不配套
4.3 酒泉市社會管理創新問題的成因
4.3.1 社會管理創新理念相對滯后
4.3.2 社會管理創新主體素質偏低
4.3.3 社會管理創新機制不夠完善
4.3.4 社會管理創新保障體系欠缺
4.4 本章小結
第 5 章 加強酒泉市社會管理創新的對策建議
5.1 提升社會管理創新理念
5.1.1 更新社會管理理念
5.1.2 樹立服務管理理念
5.1.3 增強創新發展理念
5.2 加強社會管理創新主體建設
5.2.1 提高社會管理干部素質
5.2.2 加強兩新組織服務管理
5.2.3 疏通公眾參與管理渠道
5.3 搭建社會管理創新平臺
5.3.1 健全社會管理創新體制
5.3.2 完善社會管理創新機制
5.3.3 配套社會管理創新手段
5.4 借鑒國內外社會管理創新經驗
5.4.1 國外社會管理創新經驗
5.4.2 國內社會管理創新經驗
5.5 構筑社會管理創新保障體系
5.5.1 以政策扶植社會管理創新
5.5.2 以制度支撐社會管理創新
5.5.3 以法律護佑社會管理創新
5.6 本章小結
結 論