

時間:2024-10-23 17:23:36 考試試題 我要投稿
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  1. 下列對材料相關內容的理解和分析,不正確的一項是( )

  A. 《論持久戰》在分析抗戰走勢時,并未局限于中日兩國,而是展現出對世界整體局勢變化的`宏觀把握。

  B. 落后大國面對先進小國的侵略,不可能速勝,必然要經歷由劣勢到平衡、由平衡到優勢的持久戰爭過程。

  C. “不但看到武器,而且看到人力”,指在承認軍力和經濟力差距的前提下,相信人力和人心才是勝利之本。

  D. 中國共產黨抗日持久戰思想不只體現在判斷抗戰將會長久,更體現在對戰爭走向作出了全面科學的分析。

  2. 根據材料內容,下列說法不正確的一項是( )

  A. 日本軍力和經濟力并不占優勢,因為它們僅僅掌握在日本少數人的手中。

  B. 抗日游擊戰要更多承擔外線單獨作戰的任務,這是當時戰爭的客觀形勢決定的。

  C. 抗戰整體進程是持久的,不過具體到某一場戰役,也可根據實際情況速戰速決。

  D. 中國共產黨提出的抗日持久戰相信得道多助,也愿意接受國際力量的援助。

  3. 下列選項符合材料二中實施持久戰的“內部條件”的一項是( )

  A. 敵雖強,但敵之強已為其他不利的因素所減殺。

  B. 除東三省等地外,敵人實際只能占領大城市、大道和某些平地。

  C. 中國的短處是戰爭力量之弱,而其長處則在其戰爭本質的進步性和正義性。

  D. 動員了全國的老百姓,就造成了陷敵于滅頂之災的汪洋大海。

  4. 材料一多處使用了設問句和反問句,請簡要分析其論證效果。
















  6. 下列對文本相關內容和藝術特色的分析鑒賞,正確的一項是( )

  A. 父親決定買牛,除了確屬生產需要,也想讓兒子跟其他孩子一起放牛,以改變他“像個走親戚的陌生人”那樣不合群的性格。

  B. 作為一個曾經的“老把式”,“我”卻認為馭牛的諸般本領都只是“副產品”,只有放牛那種“旁逸斜出”的生活才是“我”最想談論的。

  C. 大雨天里為牛割草的情形,讓“我”意識到自己是一個“悲觀”之人,可見放牛生活對“我”思想意識的養成有著至關重要的意義。

  D. 文中記述“我”在亂墳崗子里看武俠小說,是有意以環境的陰森怪異來映襯看武俠的樂趣,也凸顯出“塵囂皆忘”的讀書境界。

  7. 關于文中鋸木廠這個段落,下列說法不正確的一項是( )

  A. 買牛讓“我”格外激動,因此買牛那天的相關情景在“我”的記憶里依然生動鮮活。

  B. 兩里外鄰村路邊的鋸木廠,對那時的“我”來說,儼然一個陌生而刺激的新天地。

  C. 這個段落看似閑筆,實則以先抑后揚的手法來突出下文“我”的“興奮又糾結”。

  D. 這段文字里彌漫著熱、聲、光影、氣味,營造出記憶中少年舊事那獨特的氣息。

  8. 文章為何說“放牛給了我一個幾近完美的少年時代”?

  9. 文末畫線的句子表明,作者不愿在回憶往事時為放牛“賦予意義”。你認為本文是否做到了這一點?請簡要說明。











  10. 材料中畫波浪線的部分有三處需要斷句,請用鉛筆將答題卡上相應位置的答案標號涂黑。


  11. 下列對材料中加點的詞語及相關內容的解說,不正確的一項是( )

  A. 壯,認為……豪壯,意動用法,與《老子》“不貴難得之貨”的“貴”用法相同。

  B. 親,父母,可偏指父或母,與《孔雀東南飛》“我有親父兄”的“親”意思不相同。

  C. “彼之不死”與《愛蓮說》“予獨愛蓮之出淤泥而不染”的“之”用法不相同。

  D. 迨,等到,與《項脊軒志》“迨諸父異爨”的“迨”字意思相同。

  12. 下列對材料有關內容的概述,不正確的一項是( )

  A. 李陵擅長騎馬射箭,受命在酒泉、張掖訓練軍隊。李廣利出擊匈奴時,李陵請求以少擊眾,率五千步卒深入單于王庭,王夫之認為這是“自炫其勇”。

  B. 李陵遭遇單于三萬人馬,奮力作戰,單于震恐,召八萬人圍攻李陵,李陵率軍殺敵數千。對于李陵的戰功,司馬遷稱贊他雖敗猶榮,而王夫之則未置一詞。

  C. 李陵投降后,武帝大怒,司馬遷竭力替李陵辯白。王夫之認為,司馬遷這樣做的原因,是擔心如果不及時為李陵掩飾罪過,就會損害李廣的聲譽。

  D. 武帝誤信李陵幫助匈奴訓練軍隊,誅殺李陵家族,其實幫助匈奴的是李緒。王夫之認為,即便滅族之禍可以歸罪于李緒,李陵的罪責也無可推卸。

  13. 把材料中畫橫線的句子翻譯成現代漢語。



  14. 王夫之強調李陵“大節喪,則余無可浣也”,材料一有哪些事實可以支持王夫之的觀點?請簡要概括。









  15. 下列對這首詩理解和賞析,不正確的一項是( )

  A. 詩的開頭交代,詩人之所以會到千歲庵借宿,是出于對庵前泉水的喜愛。

  B. 詩歌主要是從聽覺的角度來描寫泉流,與題目中的“聽泉”二字相切合。

  C. 詩人雅趣與古人相通,在聽泉的時候,聯想到昔日曲水流觴的蘭亭雅集。

  D. 詩人與蘭亭諸賢一樣,都把對音樂之美的追求寄托于山水而摒棄了樂器。

  16. 本詩采用了對比手法,頸聯寫泉水的聲音既響亮又微小,請結合詩句簡要分析。


  17. 補寫出下列句子中的空缺部分。







  睡眠時長是保證身體正常運轉的必要條件。至于每天要睡多久才能保證身體健康,相信喜愛健康科普節目的人,都已經耳熟能詳了。實際上,我們所需的睡眠時長是 A 的,有人不睡夠9個小時難以清醒,有人睡上4個小時就能活力滿滿;有人睡了很長時間仍然精神萎靡,有人只要打個盹兒就能 B 。因此,能夠保證自己心情舒暢、精神飽滿的睡眠時長,就是最適合自己的睡眠時長。

  睡眠不足會導致疲勞無法緩解而殘留下來,長此以往,疲勞會像負債一樣逐漸累積并且利上滾利,掏空你的“家底”,進而引發多種疾病。( 甲 )也很簡單:在節假日睡到自然醒,記下你的睡眠時長,然后減去工作日的睡眠時長,如果多出2個小時以上,即說明你正處于“睡眠負債”的狀態,需要及時補充調整。但另一方面,一次性補充過多的睡眠,又會擾亂人體生物鐘,使你的睡眠質量大打折扣,同時引發新的疲勞。所以對于“睡眠負債”,要采取“分期償還”的方式求得解決。其實,( 乙 )。如果質量不佳,睡眠時間再長也難以恢復疲勞。而提高睡眠質量的方法有很多種,如在固定時間起床,以調整身體節律;在睡眠前洗熱水澡,以盡量放松身心。只有睡得夠,睡得好,堅持不懈,才能從“感覺身心疲憊”成功轉化成“感覺棒極了”。

  18. 文中第一段用“電”比喻人的精力體力,使用了借喻的修辭手法。請以“云”為本體寫一個句子。要求:語意完整,使用借喻;借喻貼切,表達流暢。

  19. 請在文中畫橫線處填入恰當的成語。

  20. 文中第一段標序號的部分有兩處表述不當,請指出其序號并做修改,使語言準確流暢,邏輯嚴密,不得改變原意。

  21. 請在文中括號內補寫恰當的語句,使整段文字語意完整連貫,內容貼切,邏輯嚴密,每處不超過15個字。

  22. 文中畫波浪線的“恢復疲勞”,有人說不合邏輯,有人說可以使用。你的看法是什么?請簡要說明理由。


  23. 閱讀下面的材料,根據要求寫作。








  【答案】1. B 2. A

  3. D 4. ①使用設問句,如“這個結論是正確的嗎?我以為是正確的”,能引起讀者注意,啟發讀者思考,強調了結論的正確性;


  5. ①要有全面、宏觀的視角,不局限于一時一地,要考慮到各種相關因素和世界局勢的變化;







  【答案】6. B 7. C

  8. ①放牛生活給了作者一個自由、放松的少年時代,貼近了自然,擁有了一段無憂無慮快樂美好的回憶;②實現了“我”的少年英雄夢。

  9. 觀點一:做到了。作者在回憶放牛的經歷時,沒有過多地賦予意義,而是就事論事,返回到當年的心境里,真實地展現了當時的悲歡和憂樂





  【答案】10. ADF

  11. C 12. C

  13. (1)我愿意親自率領一支隊伍,到蘭干山南面去分散單于的兵力,不讓他全力對付貳師將軍的軍隊。


  14. ①李陵打仗失敗后即投降匈奴;②與降將衛律一道成為單于左膀右臂;③率領大軍追擊漢軍。



  【答案】15. D 16. 詩中“變作怒聲猶壯偉,滴成細點更清圓”將泉聲有時如怒聲般壯偉和有時如細點般清圓進行對比,形象地展現了泉聲的豐富多變和獨特魅力。這種對比的描寫方式,使泉聲更加具體可感,讓讀者能更好地領略泉聲的美妙。



  【答案】 ①. 其稱文小而其指極大 ②. 舉類邇而見義遠 ③. 榆柳蔭后檐 ④. 桃李羅堂前 ⑤. 漢家煙塵在東北 ⑥. 漢將辭家破殘賊(君不聞漢家山東二百州,千村萬落生荊杞/漢皇重色思傾國,御宇多年求不得)



  【答案】18. 天空中那一團團棉花糖,潔白、柔軟,讓人忍不住想要咬上一口。

  19. A因人而異;B精神抖擻。

  20. ①句修改為:睡眠不足或睡眠過度都會加重人的疲憊感(如果睡眠不足或睡眠過度那么都會加重人的疲憊感);④句修改為:如何通過睡眠快速讓自己精力充沛。

  21. (甲)判斷自己是否處于“睡眠負債”狀態;(乙)睡眠質量也是消除疲勞的重要因素。

  22. 示例1:可以使用。“恢復”應理解為使用用法,“恢復疲勞”是強調通過睡眠等方式使疲勞的狀態得到緩解和消除,恢復到不疲勞的狀態,從這個角度理解是符合邏輯的。(如果認為不合邏輯,可從“恢復”一詞的常見語義角度說明,言之成理也可)













  姓名________________ 準考證號________________



  1. 答題前,請務必將自己的姓名、準考證號用黑色字跡的簽字筆或鋼筆分別填寫在試題卷和答題紙規定的位置上。

  2. 答題時,請按照答題紙上“注意事項”的要求,在答題紙相應的位置上規范作答,在本試題卷上的作答一律無效。

  第一部分 聽力(共兩節,滿分30分)


  第一節 (共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)


  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


  1. 【此處可播放相關音頻,請去附件查看】

  What is Kate doing?

  A. Boarding a flight. B. Arranging a trip. C. Seeing a friend off.



  原文】M: Thanks for the wonderful weekend, Kate.

  W: Thats okay. Bob and I are glad you came to see us.

  M: Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when youre in Sydney.

  W: Sure, we will.

  2. 【此處可播放相關音頻,請去附件查看】

  What are the speakers talking about?

  A. A pop star. B. An old song. C. A radio program.



  【原文】W: Paul, listen to the radio. Its Youve Stolen My Heart, one of the songs played at our wedding.

  M: Yeah, how beautiful! Its been popular for almost two decades.

  3. 【此處可播放相關音頻,請去附件查看】

  What will the speakers do today?

  A. Go to an art show. B. Meet the mans aunt. C. Eat out with Mark.



  【原文】W: David, forget about Mark. His aunt is in town, so he cant go with us today.

  M: Oh, what a pity! Its the last day of the art show.

  4. 【此處可播放相關音頻,請去附件查看】

  What does the man want to do?

  A. Cancel an order. B. Ask for a receipt. C. Reschedule a delivery.



  【原文】W: How may I help you?

  M: I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday.

  W: Yes, what’s the problem?

  M: I need to have it delivered this Saturday.

  5. 【此處可播放相關音頻,請去附件查看】

  When will the next train to Bedford leave?

  A. At 9:45. B. At 10:15. C. At 11:00.



  【原文】W: Next, please.

  M: Oh, hi, I missed my 9 oclock train to Bedford. Do I have to buy another ticket?

  W: No. The next train leaves at a quarter to ten at Platform 11.

  M: Thank you.

  第二節 (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)



  6. What will the weather be like today?

  A. Stormy. B. Sunny. C. Foggy.

  7. What is the man going to do?

  A. Plant a tree. B. Move his car. C. Check the map.

  【答案】6. A 7. B


  【原文】W: Honey, have you checked todays weather forecast?

  M: Yes, its cold and wet. There is a warning for strong winds up to 100 kilometers per hour.

  W: What are we going to do then?

  M: Nothing much. Just stay indoors. There is a risk of falling trees and power lines.

  W: Right.

  M: And the low temperatures could bring snow to the forest area.

  W: I hope its over quickly.

  M: Well, it wont get better until late Wednesday. Anyway, I have to move the car away from the trees.

  W: Yeah, you cannot be too careful.


  8. Why is Kathy in California now?

  A. She is on vacation there. B. She has just moved there. C. She is doing business there.

  9. What is the relationship between Tom and Fiona?

  A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.

  10. What does Kathy thank Dave for?

  A. Finding her a new job. B. Sending her a present. C. Calling on her mother.

  【答案】8. B 9. B 10. C


  【原文】W: Hello, Dave. This is Kathy from Sunny California.

  M: Hi, Kathy. You finally called. How was the move? All settled in?

  W: Sorry, I hadn’t called sooner, but it’s been a busy month. We’re slowly getting things set up in our new home.

  M: Yeah, I understand. How are Jeff and the children?

  W: Jeff is doing well with his new job. Tom has made many new friends here and has a lot to do. Fiona is fine, though she misses her grandma. By the way, thank you for looking in on my mother from time to time. I call her every week, but it isn’t the same as seeing her.

  M: No problem. Betty and I are friends now. How is the weather there?

  W: It’s nice and warm, and we are able to spend some time every week on the beach with the children.

  M: That’s great.


  11. How did Jack go to school when he was a child?

  A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.

  12. What is Jacks attitude toward parents driving their kids to school?

  A. Disapproving. B. Encouraging. C. Understanding.

  13. What is the problem with some parents according to the woman?

  A. Overprotecting their children.

  B. Pushing their children too hard.

  C. Having no time for their children.

  【答案】11. B 12. C 13. A


  【原文】W: Jack, how did you get to school when you were in primary school?

  M: I lived close to my school, so I walked every day. Why?

  W: Well, I remember that when we were kids, we often walked, rode a bike or caught the bus to school. Few of us were dropped off at the school gate by our parents.

  M: I see what you mean, these days you can see traffic jams around schools that drop off at pick-up times, but it’s hard to blame the parents. They have good reasons for driving their kids to school, mostly to do with safety and convenience.

  W: You have a point there, but it could also mean children are missing out on much needed exercise and other life skills. Some parents are just being over-protective with their children learning nothing, but living in fear of everything. Studies have found that children who spend more time outside tend to be healthier, better adjusted and better at dealing with stress.


  14. Why did Marie post her kitchen gardening online at first?

  A. To keep records of her progress.

  B. To sell home-grown vegetables.

  C. To motivate her fellow gardeners.

  15. Why does Marie recommend beginners to grow strawberries?

  A. They need no special care.

  B. They can be used in cooking.

  C. They bear a lot of fruit soon.

  16. What is difficult for Marie to grow?

  A. Herbs. B. Carrots. C. Pears.

  17. What is Maries advice to those interested in kitchen gardening?

  A. Aim high. B. Keep focused. C. Stay optimistic.

  【答案】14. A 15. C 16. B 17. C


  【原文】M: So Aurie, your kitchen garden looks excellent. What made you turn to social media to record your vegetable growing?

  W: Initially, I used the online platform as a diary, something to look back on, giving me a sense of achievements and keeping me motivated and moving forward. As time went by, other gardeners and like-minded people began to follow my progress, too.

  M: I know you grow lots of fruit on your land. Which would you recommend to beginners as the best to grow?

  W: Strawberries would be a good choice. They produce a lot of fruit in their first season.

  M: Thats cool. Well, do you have plans to try newor any particular crops next year?

  W: Next season I will be adding some pear trees to the fruit area. I will be adding more herbs which I can use in the kitchen. After a couple of years of failure, I will try growing carrots again.

  M: What advice would you offer someone thinkingof doing kitchen gardening?

  W: Have a plan of what you want your kitchen garden to look like. Dont be too discouraged if things dont go according to plan. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Theres always next season.


  18. What is "Life of Johnson"?

  A. A magazine column. B. A TV series. C. A historical novel.

  19. What is Johnson famous for?

  A. His acting talent. B. His humorous writing. C. His long sports career.

  20. When did Johnson join Sports Times?

  A. In 1981. B. In 1983. C. In 1985.

  【答案】18. A 19. B 20. C


  【原文】M: Welcome to Meet the Author. Well, many readers of Sports Times turn to the last page of their magazine first in order to read Jacob Johnsons weekly article under the title Life of Johnson, the articles along with his novels and essay collections have earned Johnson the reputation as one of the funniest humans on the planet. Johnson began writing about sports as a second-year student at the University of Colorado, covering high school volleyball games for his hometown newspaper. After graduating in 1981, he moved on to work at the Denver Weekly for 2 years and the Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing at Sports Times. He has been voted national sports writer of the year 11 times. So now lets welcome the funny man with serious tone, Jacob Johnson.

  第二部分 閱讀(共兩節,滿分50分)

  第一節 (共15小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)




  Help restore and protect Marins natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge. Well explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive (侵入的) plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys.


  Groups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance. Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.


  Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of 15.

  Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form. Volunteers under the age of 18 must have the parent/guardian approval section signed.

  Well be working rain or shine. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary.

  Bring a personal water bottle, sunscreen, and lunch.

  No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills (滿足) community service requirements.


  Time Meeting Location

  Sunday, Jan. 15 10:00 am — 1:00 pm Battery Alexander Trailhead

  Sunday, Jan. 22 10:00 am — 2:30 pm Stinson Beach Parking Lot

  Sunday, Jan. 29 9:30 am — 2:30 pm Coyote Ridge Trailhead

  21. What is the aim of the Habitat Restoration Team?

  A. To discover mineral resources. B. To develop new wildlife parks.

  C. To protect the local ecosystem. D. To conduct biological research.

  22. What is the lower age limit for joining the Habitat Restoration Team?

  A. 5. B. 10. C. 15. D. 18.

  23. What are the volunteers expected to do?

  A. Bring their own tools. B. Work even in bad weather.

  C. Wear a team uniform. D. Do at least three projects.

  【答案】21. C 22. B 23. B




  細節理解題。根據文章第一段“Help restore and protect Marin’s natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge. We’ll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive (侵入的) plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys. (幫助恢復和保護從馬林海岬到波利納斯嶺的馬林海的自然區域。我們將探索美麗的公園場地,同時進行入侵植物清除、冬季種植和種子收集。棲息地恢復小組的志愿者在恢復敏感資源和保護山脊和山谷中的瀕危物種方面發揮著至關重要的作用)”可知,棲息地恢復小組的目的是保護當地生態系統。故選C項。


  細節理解題。根據文章第三段“Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome. (歡迎10歲及以上的志愿者)”可知,參加棲息地恢復小組的最低年齡限制是10歲。故選B項。


  細節理解題。根據文章第五段“We’ll be working rain or shine. (我們將風雨無阻地工作)”可知,身為志愿者,即使天氣不好也要工作。故選B項。


  “I am not crazy,” says Dr. William Farber, shortly after performing acupuncture (針灸) on a rabbit. “I am ahead of my time.” If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even some of his coworkers occasionally laugh at his unusual methods. But Farber is certain he’ll have the last laugh. He’s one of a small but growing number of American veterinarians (獸醫) now practicing “holistic” medicine-combining traditional Western treatments with acupuncture, chiropractic (按摩療法) and herbal medicine.

  Farber, a graduate of Colorado State University, started out as a more conventional veterinarian. He became interested in alternative treatments 20 years ago when he suffered from terrible back pain. He tried muscle-relaxing drugs but found little relief. Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he improved after two or three treatments. What worked on a veterinarian seemed likely to work on his patients. So, after studying the techniques for a couple of years, he began offering them to pets.

  Leigh Tindale’s dog Charlie had a serious heart condition. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared to put him to sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dog’s suffering so much that she was able to keep him alive for an additional five months. And Priscilla Dewing reports that her horse, Nappy, “moves more easily and rides more comfortably” after a chiropractic adjustment.

  Farber is certain that the holistic approach will grow more popular with time, and if the past is any indication, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has grown from 30 to over 700. “Sometimes it surprises me that it works so well,” he says. “I will do anything to help an animal. That’s my job.”

  24. What do some of Farber’s coworkers think of him?

  A. He’s odd. B. He’s strict. C. He’s brave. D. He’s rude.

  25. Why did Farber decide to try acupuncture on pets?

  A. He was trained in it at university. B. He was inspired by another veterinarian.

  C. He benefited from it as a patient. D. He wanted to save money for pet owners.

  26. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

  A. Steps of a chiropractic treatment. B. The complexity of veterinarians’ work.

  C. Examples of rare animal diseases. D. The effectiveness of holistic medicine.

  27. Why does the author mention the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association?

  A. To prove Farber’s point. B. To emphasize its importance.

  C. To praise veterinarians. D. To advocate animal protection.

  【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A


  【導語】本文是記敘文。文章講述獸醫威廉·法伯(William Farber)博士在從針灸中受益后,將綜合醫療應用于動物,并取得了初步成效。


  細節理解題。根據第一段的“If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even some of his coworkers occasionally laugh at his unusual methods.( 如果他看起來有點自衛,那可能是因為他的一些同事偶爾會嘲笑他不尋常的方法。) ”可知,Farber的同事們有時會嘲笑他不尋常的方法,他們認為他很奇怪。故選A。


  細節理解題。根據第二段的“Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he improved after two or three treatments. What worked on a veterinarian seemed likely to work on his patients. So, after studying the techniques for a couple of years, he began offering them to pets.(然后,他嘗試了針灸,這是一種古老的中國療法,并驚訝地發現,經過兩三次治療,他的病情有所好轉。對獸醫有效的方法似乎對他的病人也有效。因此,在研究了這些技術幾年后,他開始把它們提供給寵物。)”可知,Farber作為患者從針灸中受益,這促使他決定嘗試在寵物上使用針灸。故選C。


  主旨大意題。根據第三段內容“Leigh Tindale’s dog Charlie had a serious heart condition. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared to put him to sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dog’s suffering so much that she was able to keep him alive for an additional five months. And Priscilla Dewing reports that her horse, Nappy, “moves more easily and rides more comfortably” after a chiropractic adjustment.(利·廷代爾的狗查理患有嚴重的心臟病。廷代爾說,查理心臟病發作后,她準備讓他進入睡眠狀態,但法伯的治療大大減輕了她的狗的痛苦,她能夠讓它多活五個月。普里西拉·杜因(Priscilla Dewing)報告說,她的馬納皮(Nappy)經過脊椎按摩調整后,“行動更容易,乘車更舒服”。) ”可知,本段主要講述了兩個例子,一個是Farber通過整體醫學方法幫助了患有嚴重心臟病的狗Charlie,另一個是馬Nappy在接受脊椎按摩治療后移動和騎行更為舒適。這些例子都是為了說明整體醫學的有效性。故選D。


  推理判斷題。根據最后一段的內容“Farber is certain that the holistic approach will grow more popular with time, and if the past is any indication, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association has grown from 30 to over 700. ( 法伯確信,隨著時間的推移,綜合療法會越來越受歡迎,如果過去有任何跡象的話,他可能是對的:自1982年以來,美國綜合獸醫協會的會員已經從30個增加到700多個。)”可知,法伯認為綜合療法會越來越受歡迎,隨后作者列舉了美國綜合獸醫協會的會員已經從30個增加到700多個的例子,因此推斷美國整體獸醫協會是為證明法伯的觀點。故選A。


  Is comprehension the same whether a person reads a text onscreen or on paper? And are listening to and viewing content as effective as reading the written word when covering the same material? The answers to both questions are often “no”. The reasons relate to a variety of factors, including reduced concentration, an entertainment mindset (心態) and a tendency to multitask while consuming digital content.

  When reading texts of several hundred words or more, learning is generally more successful when it’s on paper than onscreen. A large amount of research confirms this finding. The benefits of print reading particularly shine through when experimenters move from posing simple tasks — like identifying the main idea in a reading passage — to ones that require mental abstraction — such as drawing inferences from a text.

  The differences between print and digital reading results are partly related to paper’s physical properties. With paper, there is a literal laying on of hands, along with the visual geography of distinct pages. People often link their memory of what they’ve read to how far into the book it was or where it was on the page.

  But equally important is the mental aspect. Reading researchers have proposed a theory called “shallowing hypothesis (假說)”. According to this theory, people approach digital texts with a mindset suited to social media, which are often not so serious, and devote less mental effort than when they are reading print.

  Audio (音頻) and video can feel more engaging than text, and so university teachers increasingly turn to these technologies — say, assigning an online talk instead of an article by the same person. However, psychologists have demonstrated that when adults read news stories, they remember more of the content than if they listen to or view identical pieces.

  Digital texts, audio and video all have educational roles, especially when providing resources not available in print. However, for maximizing learning where mental focus and reflection are called for, educators shouldn’t assume all media are the same, even when they contain identical words.

  28. What does the underlined phrase “shine through” in paragraph 2 mean?

  A Seem unlikely to last. B. Seem hard to explain.

  C. Become ready to use. D. Become easy to notice.

  29. What does the shallowing hypothesis assume?

  A. Readers treat digital texts lightly. B. Digital texts are simpler to understand.

  C. People select digital texts randomly. D. Digital texts are suitable for social media.

  30. Why are audio and video increasingly used by university teachers?

  A. They can hold students attention. B. They are more convenient to prepare.

  C. They help develop advanced skills. D. They are more informative than text.

  31. What does the author imply in the last paragraph?

  A. Students should apply multiple learning techniques.

  B. Teachers should produce their own teaching material.

  C. Print texts cannot be entirely replaced in education.

  D. Education outside the classroom cannot be ignored.

  【答案】28. D 29. A 30. A 31. C




  詞句猜測題。根據前文“When reading texts of several hundred words or more, learning is generally more successful when it’s on paper than onscreen. A large amount of research confirms this finding.(當閱讀幾百字或更多的文本時,在紙上學習通常比在屏幕上學習更成功。大量的研究證實了這一發現)”可知,在紙上學習更有成效,以及后文“when experimenters move from posing simple tasks — like identifying the main idea in a reading passage — to ones that require mental abstraction — such as drawing inferences from a text.(當實驗人員從提出簡單的任務(如識別閱讀文章的主旨)轉移到需要思維抽象的任務(如從文本中推斷)時)”推知,此處應是表達“當實驗者從簡單的任務轉向需要精神抽象的任務時,紙質閱讀的益處就變得顯而易見”之意,所以shine through應是“顯而易見”之意,和D項意思相近。故選D項。


  推理判斷題。根據第四段“But equally important is the mental aspect. Reading researchers have proposed a theory called “shallowing hypothesis (假說)”. According to this theory, people approach digital texts with a mindset suited to social media, which are often not so serious, and devote less mental effort than when they are reading print.(但同樣重要的是精神層面。閱讀研究人員提出了一個名為“shallowing hypothesis”的理論。根據這一理論,人們以適合社交媒體的心態接觸數字文本,這些文本通常不那么嚴肅,與閱讀印刷品時相比,投入的精神努力也更少)”可知,shallowing hypothesis假設讀者在閱讀數字文本時會持有一種輕松的心態,不會像閱讀紙質書籍那樣投入太多的心理努力。故選A項。


  細節理解題。根據第五段“Audio (音頻) and video can feel more engaging than text, and so university teachers increasingly turn to these technologies — say, assigning an online talk instead of an article by the same person.(音頻和視頻可能比文本更具吸引力,因此大學教師越來越多地轉向這些技術,例如分配在線講座而不是同一作者的文章)”可知,音頻和視頻比文本更能吸引學生的注意力,所以大學教師越來越多地使用這些技術。故選A項。


  推理判斷題。根據最后一段“Digital texts, audio and video all have educational roles, especially when providing resources not available in print. However, for maximizing learning where mental focus and reflection are called for, educators shouldn’t assume all media are the same, even when they contain identical words.(數字文本、音頻和視頻都具有教育作用,尤其是在提供印刷品中無法獲得的資源時。然而,為了在需要精神集中和反思的情況下最大限度地學習,教育工作者不應假定所有媒體都是相同的`,即使它們包含相同的單詞)”可知,盡管數字文本、音頻和視頻在教育中有一定作用,但當需要精神集中和反思以最大化學習時,教育者不應假定所有媒體都是相同的,即使它們包含相同的單詞。這表明作者認為紙質文本在教育中的作用仍然不可替代,因此暗示紙質文本在教育中的重要性。故選C項。


  In the race to document the species on Earth before they go extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have collected billions of records. Today, most records of biodiversity are often in the form of photos, videos, and other digital records. Though they are useful for detecting shifts in the number and variety of species in an area, a new Stanford study has found that this type of record is not perfect.

  “With the rise of technology it is easy for people to make observations of different species with the aid of a mobile application,” said Barnabas Daru, who is lead author of the study and assistant professor of biology in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences. “These observations now outnumber the primary data that comes from physical specimens (標本), and since we are increasingly using observational data to investigate how species are responding to global change, I wanted to know: Are they usable?”

  Using a global dataset of 1.9 billion records of plants, insects, birds, and animals, Daru and his team tested how well these data represent actual global biodiversity patterns.

  “We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru.

  Their study revealed that the large number of observation-only records did not lead to better global coverage. Moreover, these data are biased and favor certain regions, time periods, and species. This makes sense because the people who get observational biodiversity data on mobile devices are often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in areas nearby. These data are also biased toward certain species with attractive or eye-catching features.

  What can we do with the imperfect datasets of biodiversity?

  “Quite a lot,” Daru explained. “Biodiversity apps can use our study results to inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places — and even species — that are not well-sampled. To improve the quality of observational data, biodiversity apps can also encourage users to have an expert confirm the identification of their uploaded image.”

  32. What do we know about the records of species collected now?

  A. They are becoming outdated. B. They are mostly in electronic form.

  C. They are limited in number. D. They are used for public exhibition.

  33. What does Daru’s study focus on?

  A. Threatened species. B. Physical specimens.

  C. Observational data. D. Mobile applications.

  34. What has led to the biases according to the study?

  A. Mistakes in data analysis. B. Poor quality of uploaded pictures.

  C. Improper way of sampling. D. Unreliable data collection devices.

  35. What is Daru’s suggestion for biodiversity apps?

  A. Review data from certain areas. B. Hire experts to check the records.

  C. Confirm the identity of the users. D. Give guidance to citizen scientists.

  【答案】32. B 33. C 34. C 35. D




  細節理解題。根據第一段“Today, most records of biodiversity are often in the form of photos, videos, and other digital records. (今天,大多數生物多樣性記錄通常以照片、視頻和其他數字記錄的形式出現。)”可知,現在收集的物種記錄大多是以電子形式存在的。故選B。


  細節理解題。根據第二段“These observations now outnumber the primary data that comes from physical specimens (標本), and since we are increasingly using observational data to investigate how species are responding to global change, I wanted to know: Are they usable? (這些觀察結果現在超過了來自物理標本的原始數據,而且由于我們越來越多地使用觀察數據來研究物種如何應對全球變化,我想知道:它們有用嗎?)”和第四段““We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru. (Daru說“我們特別感興趣的是探索取樣容易產生數據偏差的方面,比如公民科學家更有可能拍攝開花植物的照片,而不是它旁邊的草。”)”可知,Daru的研究聚焦于觀察數據,即人們通過移動應用記錄的物種觀察數據。故選C。


  細節理解題。根據第四段““We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru. (Daru說“我們特別感興趣的是探索取樣容易產生數據偏差的方面,比如公民科學家更有可能拍攝開花植物的照片,而不是它旁邊的草。”)”以及第五段“This makes sense because the people who get observational biodiversity data on mobile devices are often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in areas nearby.( 這是有道理的,因為在移動設備上獲得觀察生物多樣性數據的人通常是公民科學家,他們記錄了他們在附近地區與物種的接觸。)”可知,導致數據偏差的原因是采樣方式的不當。故選C。


  推理判斷題。根據最后一段“Biodiversity apps can use our study results to inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places — and even species — that are not well-sampled. To improve the quality of observational data, biodiversity apps can also encourage users to have an expert confirm the identification of their uploaded image. (生物多樣性應用程序可以使用我們的研究結果來告知用戶樣本過多的地區,并將他們引導到樣本不足的地方,甚至是物種。為了提高觀測數據的質量,生物多樣性應用程序還可以鼓勵用戶讓專家確認他們上傳的圖像的身份。)”可知,Daru 建議生物多樣性應用應該給公民科學家提供指導。故選D。

  第二節 (共5小題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分)


  Not all great writers are great spellers. If you want to be published, its vital to submit a perfect, professionally presented manuscript (原稿). ____36____ No editor is likely to tolerate a writer who does not take the trouble to spell words correctly.

  I keep two reference books close-by on my desk: dictionary and thesaurus (同義詞詞典). I dont trust my laptops spellchecker. ____37____ Of course, these days there are plenty of online dictionaries and thesauruses, but Im old-fashioned enough to prefer a hard cover and pages I can leaf through with my fingers. I use the Concise Oxford Dictionary and the Collins Thesaurus.

  ____38____ It should give you a precise definition of each word, thus differentiating it from other words whose meanings are similar, but not identical. It will also usually show how the word is pronounced.

  In addition, I have an old two-volume copy of the Shorter Oxford Dictionary, picked up a few years ago in a bookshop sale for just 99 pence. Of course, with its 2,672 pages, its not exactly short. It contains around 163,000 words, plus word combinations and idiomatic phrases. ____39____ However, if I need to check the origin of a word or to look up examples of its usage, theres nothing better.

  For well over a hundred years the most influential English dictionary was Samuel Johnsons Dictionary of the English Language published in 1755. "To make dictionaries is dull (乏味) work," wrote Johnson, illustrating one definition of "dull". ____40____ A few minutes spent casting your eye over a page or two can be a rewarding experience.

  A. I dont often use this dictionary.

  B. It takes no account of the context.

  C. But I still dont want to replace them.

  D. But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read.

  E. Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling.

  F. That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes.

  G. Dictionaries dont always give you enough information.

  【答案】36. F 37. B 38. E 39. A 40. D




  上文“If you want to be published, it’s vital to submit a perfect, professionally presented manuscript(如果你想發表,提交一份完美的、專業的手稿是至關重要的)”提到了完美的、專業的手稿的重要性,手稿中不能有語法和拼寫錯誤是專業的手稿的要求之一。F選項“That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes.(這意味著語法正確,沒有拼寫錯誤。)”是對手稿要求的進一步解釋說明,符合題意。故選F項。


  上文“I don’t trust my laptop’s spellchecker.(我不相信我筆記本電腦的拼寫檢查器。)”提到了作者不相信電腦的拼寫檢查器;下文“Of course, these days there are plenty of online dictionaries and thesauruses, but I’m old-fashioned enough to prefer a hard cover and pages I can leaf through with my fingers.(當然,現在有很多在線詞典和同義詞庫,但我是一個守舊的人,更喜歡精裝的書和能用手指翻閱的書頁。)”提到了作者更喜歡實體書和能用手指翻閱的書頁,說明電子設備可能不會考慮上下文,所以B選項“It takes no account of the context.(它不考慮上下文。)”解釋了上文的原因,具有承上啟下的作用。故選B項。


  下文“It should give you a precise definition of each word, thus differentiating it from other words whose meanings are similar, but not identical. It will also usually show how the word is pronounced.(它應該給出每個單詞的精確定義,從而將其與其他含義相似但不相同的單詞區分開來。它通常還會顯示單詞的發音。)”提到了字典的功能,E選項“Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling.(當然,字典不僅僅是用來拼寫的。)”提到了字典的部分功能,能引起下文內容。故選E項。


  下文“However, if I need to check the origin of a word or to look up examples of its usage, there’s nothing better.(然而,如果我需要檢查一個單詞的來源或查找其用法的例子,沒有什么比這更好的了。)”提到了字典的使用情況,A選項“I don’t often use this dictionary.(我不經常用這本字典。)”是對字典使用頻率的說明,與下文構成轉折關系。故選A項。


  上文“ “To make dictionaries is dull (乏味) work, ” wrote Johnson, illustrating one definition of ”dull".(約翰遜在解釋“dull”的一個定義時寫道:“編字典是件無聊的工作(乏味)。”)”提到了編寫字典是件乏味的工作,下文“A few minutes spent casting your eye over a page or two can be a rewarding experience.(花幾分鐘的時間瀏覽一兩頁是一種有益的體驗。)”提到瀏覽字典也是一種閱讀的樂趣,D選項“But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read.(但是一本字典讀起來是一種樂趣。)”是作者對字典的評價,與上文的“乏味”形成對比,與上文構成轉折關系。故選D項。

  第三部分 語言運用(共兩節,滿分30分)

  第一節 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


  I’ve been motivated — and demotivated — by other folks’ achievement s all my life.

  When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend ____41____ a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running ____42____, but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was ____43____ for a “super,” referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles. To be honest, I ____44____ it! Between the girl making my ____45____ seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only ____46____ I’d ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!

  So I ____47____ cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I ____48____ of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I ____49____ her bike and went for a ride. The ____50____: The roads there went through large valleys where I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time. I’d never faced such ____51____. That day, I got ____52____ by about 100 “local” bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as ____53____.

  I’ve ____54____ a lot since then. I’ve come to accept that whatever ____55____ I set for myself, they just have to be my own.

  41. A. knew B. held C. won D. quit

  42. A. regularly B. silently C. proudly D. recently

  43. A. asking B. looking C. waiting D. training

  44. A. made B. believed C. hated D. deserved

  45. A. advantage B. achievement C. contribution D. influence

  46. A. way B. risk C. place D. reason

  47. A. gave up B. went on C. turned to D. dealt with

  48. A. heard B. dreamed C. complained D. approved

  49. A. painted B. borrowed C. bought D. parked

  50. A. problem B. secret C. principle D. advice

  51. A. dangers B. events C. opponents D. challenges

  52. A. passed B. convinced C. admired D. stopped

  53. A. reliable B. convenient C. familiar D. appealing

  54. A. traveled B. matured C. missed D. worried

  55. A. limits B. dates C. goals D. tests

  【答案】41. C 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. B 50. A 51. D 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. C




  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我十幾歲的時候,一個鄰居朋友贏得了馬拉松比賽。A. knew知道;B. held抓住;C. won贏得;D. quit退出。根據后文“Feeling motivated”可知,作者有了動力,所以此處應是一個鄰居朋友贏得了馬拉松比賽。故選C項。


  考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:有了動力,我開始定期跑步,但后來發生了兩件事。A. regularly有規律地;B. silently默默地;C. proudly自豪地;D. recently最近。根據前文“Feeling motivated” 可知,作者有了動力,所以應是定期跑步,符合語境。故選A項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:首先,有一天我遇到的一個女孩告訴我,她正在為“超級”馬拉松訓練,指的是52.4英里的雙馬拉松。A. asking要求;B. looking看;C. waiting等待;D. training訓練。根據后文“referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon”可知,女孩要跑雙馬拉松,所以此處應是為之訓練,符合語境。故選D項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:說實話,我討厭它!A. made制作;B. believed相信;C. hated討厭;D. deserved值得。根據前文“Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles.”以及后文“Between the girl making my 5 seem small and the pure boredom of jogging”可知,作者最長跑了15 miles和女孩一比微不足道,所以是討厭這個成績。故選C項。


  考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:在那個女孩面前,我的成就顯得微不足道,再加上慢跑的無聊,我決定我再跑步的唯一理由就是有一只大狗在追我! A. advantage優勢;B. achievement成就;C. contribution貢獻;D. influence影響。根據前文“Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles.”以及后文“seem small”可知,作者最長跑了15 miles,而女孩在為52.4 miles做訓練,所以應是作者的成就微不足道。故選B項。


  考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:在那個女孩面前,我的成就顯得微不足道,再加上慢跑的無聊,我決定我再跑步的唯一理由就是有一只大狗在追我!A. way方式;B. risk風險;C. place地方;D. reason理由。根據后文“I’d ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!”可知,有一只大狗在追“我”,“我”才會再跑步,這里說的是跑步的原因。故選D項。


  考查動詞短語辨析。句意:所以我開始騎自行車。A. gave up放棄;B. went on繼續;C. turned to轉向;D. dealt with處理。根據前文“I decided that the only 6 Id ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!”可知,作者決定放棄跑步,所以此處應是轉向騎自行車。故選C項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我夢想著參加自行車比賽,直到我飛到圣地亞哥去看我妹妹。A. heard聽到;B. dreamed夢想;C. complained抱怨;D. approved批準。根據后文“of entering cycle races”結合選項可知,此處應是作者夢想著參加自行車比賽,符合語境。故選B項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:有一天她上班的時候,我借了她的自行車去兜風。A. painted把……描繪成;B. borrowed借;C. bought買;D. parked停(車)。根據前文“I flew to San Diego to visit my sister”以及后文“went for a ride”可知,作者去看妹妹,所以要去騎行的話,應是向妹妹借自行車。故選B項。


  考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:問題是:那里的道路穿過很大的山谷,我一次要騎上坡好幾英里。A. problem問題;B. secret秘密;C. principle原則;D. advice建議。根據后文“I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time. I’d never faced such 11 .”可知,作者要騎上坡好幾英里,這對他來說,是一個問題。故選A項。


  考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:我從來沒有遇到過這樣的挑戰。A. dangers危險;B. events事件;C. opponents對手;D. challenges挑戰。根據前文“The 10 : The roads there went through large valleys where I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time.”可知,作者要騎上坡好幾英里,這對他來說是一個挑戰。故選D項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:。那天,我被大約100個習慣了這種道路的“當地”騎自行車的人超過了。A. passed超過;B. convinced說服;C. admired欣賞;D. stopped阻止。根據前文“I’d never faced such 11 .”可知,作者騎上坡好幾英里是個挑戰,所以是被很多人超過。故選A項。


  考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:當我回到家,突然騎自行車似乎不那么吸引人了。A. reliable可信賴的;B. convenient方便的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. appealing吸引人的。根據前文“That day, I got   12  by about 100 “local” bikers who were used to such roads.”可知,作者那天騎行被100多人超過,所以此時是覺得騎自行車似乎不那么吸引人了。故選D項。


  考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:從那以后我成熟了很多。A. traveled旅行;B. matured (情感和認識)成熟;C. missed思念;D. worried擔心。根據后文“I’ve come to accept that whatever   15   I set for myself, they just have to be my own.”可知,作者不再輕易放棄,所以是成熟了很多。故選B項。


  考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:我已經開始接受這樣一個事實:無論我為自己設定什么目標,它們都必須是我自己的。A. limits限制;B. dates日期;C. goals目標;D. tests測試。根據后文“I set for myself, they just have to be my own.”可知,此處應是“無論我為自己設定什么目標,它們都必須是我自己的”,符合語境。故選C項。

  第二節 (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)


  Heatherwick Studio recently built a greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust’s Woolbeding Gardens. This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse, is at the centre of a new garden that shows how the Silk Road influences English gardens even in modern times.

  The latest ____56____ (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective ____57____ (function) structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals (萼片)” made of glass and aluminium (鋁). These sepals open on warm days ____58____ (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cold weather, the structure stays ____59____ (close) to protect the plants.

  Further, the Silk Route Garden around the greenhouse ____60____ (walk) visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road, by which silk as well as many plant species came to Britain for ____61____ first time. These plants included modern Western ____62____ (favourite) such as rosemary, lavender and fennel. The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too.

  The Glasshouse stands ____63____ a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing (追溯) the steps along the Silk Route ____64____ brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the _____65_____ (rich) of gardening in England.

  【答案】56. engineering

  57. functional

  58. to give

  59. closed 60. walks

  61 the 62. favorites

  63. as 64. which##that

  65. richness




  考查名詞。句意:最新的工程技術被用來創造一個同樣美麗的保護功能結構。根據句意可知,空處考查短語engineering techniques,意為“工程技術”,符合句意。故填engineering。




  考查非謂語動詞。句意:溫室在溫暖日子里開放,利用液壓系統為內部植物提供陽光和通風。use sth. to do sth.為固定搭配,表示“使用某物去做某事”,所以空處應用動詞不定式形式作賓語補足語。故填to give。




  考查時態和主謂一致。句意:此外,圍繞溫室的絲綢之路花園帶領游客走過一段受古絲綢之路影響的旅程。walk sb. through,意為“帶領某人穿過……”,空處為本句謂語動詞,根據上文可知,本句時態為一般現在時,主語the Silk Route Garden為單數,謂語動詞應用第三人稱單數形式。故填walks。


  考查冠詞。句意:亞洲和歐洲之間的貿易路線第一次為英國帶來了絲綢、香料和許多植物。固定搭配:for the first time,意為“第一次”,符合句意。故填the。


  考查名詞的數。句意:這些植物包括現代西方最受喜愛的迷迭香、薰衣草和茴香。favorite是可數名詞,意為“特別受喜愛的東西”,根據空后such as rosemary, lavender and fennel可知,空處應用名詞的復數形式。故填favorites。


  考查介詞。句意:Mark Woodruff補充說:“這是當代設計的最高成就,在絲綢之路的盡頭,中國亞熱帶西南部的植物群從溫帶的歐洲穿過山脈、干旱的土地和高山牧場,這些植物從亞洲的原生棲息地帶到英國,定義了英國園藝的豐富和榮耀。”根據句意可知,空處指的是“作為”,應用介詞as。故填as。


  考查定語從句。句意:Mark Woodruff補充說:“這是當代設計的最高成就,在絲綢之路的盡頭,中國亞熱帶西南部的植物群從溫帶的歐洲穿過山脈、干旱的土地和高山牧場,這些植物從亞洲的原生棲息地帶到英國,定義了英國園藝的豐富和榮耀。”空處引導限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞design,先行詞指物,關系詞在定語從句中作主語,用關系代詞which或that引導從句。故填which/that。


  考查名詞。句意:Mark Woodruff補充說:“這是當代設計的最高成就,在絲綢之路的盡頭,中國亞熱帶西南部的植物群從溫帶的歐洲穿過山脈、干旱的土地和高山牧場,這些植物從亞洲的原生棲息地帶到英國,定義了英國園藝的豐富和榮耀。”空處與glory并列,應用名詞形式richness,作介詞of的賓語。故填richness。

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分40分)

  第一節 (滿分15分)

  66. 假定你是李華,上周五你們班在公園上了一堂美術課。請你給英國朋友Chris寫一封郵件分享這次經歷,內容包括:






  Dear Chris,

  I’m writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.



  Li Hua


  Dear Chris,

  I’m writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.

  We were tasked to draw or paint something that impressed us most. Inspired by the fantastic scenery, I decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park’s pond, surrounded by blooming flowers.

  The entire experience was incredibly refreshing. Being surrounded by nature not only sparked my creativity but also offered a much-needed break from the usual hustle and bustle of school life. I felt a deep sense of peace as I painted.

  In a word, It was not just an art class; it was a moment of connection with nature that I truly cherished.


  Li Hua


  【導語】本篇是應用文寫作。要求考生給Chris寫一封信, 分享在公園上美術課的經歷。

  【詳解】1. 詞匯積累




  總之:in a word→in short

  2. 句式拓展


  原句:Inspired by the fantastic scenery, I decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park’s pond, surrounded by blooming flowers.

  拓展句:Because I was inspired by the fantastic scenery, I decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park’s pond, which was surrounded by blooming flowers.

  【點睛】[高分句型1]We were tasked to draw or paint something that impressed us most. (that引導的定語從句)

  [高分句型2] I felt a deep sense of peace as I painted.(as引導的時間狀語從句)

  第二節 (滿分25分)

  67. 閱讀下面材料,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。

  I met Gunter on a cold, wet and unforgettable evening in September. I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference. Due to a big storm, my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half. I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague. The moment I got off the plane, I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.

  That was when I met Gunter. I told him where I was going, but he said he hadnt heard of the bus station. I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused. When I was about to give up, Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend. After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century, Gunter put his phone down and started the car.

  Finally, with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully, there was a long queue (隊列) still waiting to board the bus. Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus, turned around, and looked at me with a big smile on his face. "We made it," he said.

  Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet. I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard. He tried it several times, but the card machine just did not play along. A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out.

  At this moment, Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There, at the entrance, was a cash machine. I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the machine, and popped my card in, only to read the message: "Out of order. Sorry."




  I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.


  Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised.



  Para 1

  I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. He looked at me in disbelief, asking me what to do. Flashing him another apologetic smile, I begged him for a delayed payment. “If I miss this last bus to Prague, I’ll be late for the conference which is so important that I can’t afford to miss it!” I explained. “May I have your phone number? I will call you and return the money I owe you. I promise I will keep my word or you keep my watch!” I added, handing him my watch as well as my business card. Gunter accepted my business card but rejected my watch. He wrote down his phone number and gave it to me. “Just keep your promise, Sir.” A feeling of gratitude washed over me as I heard his words. Giving him a firm handshake, I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the bus, and jumped onto it just before its departure.I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. He looked at me in disbelief, asking me what to do. Flashing him another apologetic smile, I begged him for a delayed payment. “If I miss this last bus to Prague, I’ll be late for the conference which is so important that I can’t afford to miss it!” I explained. “May I have your phone number? I will call you and return the money I owe you. I promise I will keep my word or you keep my watch!” I added, handing him my watch as well as my business card. Gunter accepted my business card but rejected my watch. He wrote down his phone number and gave it to me. “Just keep your promise, Sir.” A feeling of gratitude washed over me as I heard his words. Giving him a firm handshake, I jumped out of the car, made a mad run for the bus, and jumped onto it just before its departure.

  Para 2

  Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. He picked me up at the bus station where he had dropped me off four days before. Beaming a warm smile at him, I gave him a big hug the moment I saw him. We chatted happily on the way to the airport. I told him that thanks to his generosity and timely help, everything had gone smoothly. When he stopped his taxi outside the airport, I paid him for the “double car ride”, back and forth from the airport to the bus station, together with a generous tip that he turned down. I also gave him an attractive souvenir I had bought at Prague, which he accepted with delight. We became good friends and kept in touch with each other regularly. I felt blessed to have such a warm-hearted friend like Gunter.Four days later, when I was back in Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. He picked me up at the bus station where he had dropped me off four days before. Beaming a warm smile at him, I gave him a big hug the moment I saw him. We chatted happily on the way to the airport. I told him that thanks to his generosity and timely help, everything had gone smoothly. When he stopped his taxi outside the airport, I paid him for the “double car ride”, back and forth from the airport to the bus station, together with a generous tip that he turned down. I also gave him an attractive souvenir I had bought at Prague, which he accepted with delight. We became good friends and kept in touch with each other regularly. I felt blessed to have such a warm-hearted friend like Gunter.










  ②給某人擁抱:give sb. a hug/embrace sb.

  ③記下,寫下:write down/set down


  ①難以置信地:in disbelief/incredibly/unbelievably


  【點睛】【高分句型1】He picked me up at the bus station where he had dropped me off four days before.(運用了where引導的限制性定語從句)

  【高分句型2】When he stopped his taxi outside the airport, I paid him for the “double car ride”, back and forth from the airport to the bus station, together with a generous tip that he turned down.(運用了when引導的時間狀語從句,that引導的限制性定語從句)











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