

時間:2021-04-01 14:36:11 教學課件 我要投稿






  Friends for Life

  —Joyce Brothers

  Even though “friend” is a term of endearment used to describe many people in our lives, we often have a hard time knowing what the term means. Psychologists identify friends as those who accept each other, confide in each other and feel responsible for each other.

  In our transient cultures, we depend more on friends for things we once got from families-emotional support and often even financial help. With so many people living away from their families, and so many people single into their thirties, friends provide essential companionship.

  Friends can occur any place-even (surprise!) in a marriage. This was the case with me. I met and fell in love with Milton Brothers at university. He became my husband soon after, and we were together 39 years-until he died at the age of 62.

  He was my best friend, and I still miss him desperately. Since he died, my sister, with whom I fought fiercely when we were younger, has

  become one of my best friends. And I’m also very close to my only daughter, Lisa

  Friends ranks with marriage and kinship as one of the most important relationships in our lives, yet it can be the most neglected. Friendship outside familial ties or marriage plays such an important role in life because with a friend, we can be the person we want to be. Their acceptance affirms that self and lets us develop as individuals.

  We make no vows to a best friend, yet we have unstated expectations: understanding, caring, concern. We expect a friendship to last.

  Most of us have been making friends since childhood, so we tend to think the process is instinctual. Then we find that the heart of friendship-how to make the relationship blossom, grow and survive-requires more attention and skill than we thought. To Ralph Waldo Emerson, “the only way to have a friend is to be one.”

  Becoming friends involves a process of sharing, a gradual relaxation of vigilance over what partners reveal to each other about themselves. Friends must learn to balance the inclination to be open with the need to be protective of each other’s feelings. A best-friendship gets out of balance when the intensity becomes too one-sided. Total disclosure isn’t what makes intimacy in a relationship; it’s the listening and sharing.

  Increasing numbers of people are finding that gender doesn’t matter when it comes to friendship, as the sexes mingle more often today.

  Making friends with someone of the opposite sex can be an eye-opening experience. Michael told me what he discovered: ”I was working on the assembly line with Marcia, just as I would with a guy. And she kept pointing out how patronizing I was, offering to do the work for her because I felt she was less capable.

  Then Michael realized he was hearing the same complaint from his girlfriend. So he invited Marcia out for a beer and they talked. “I learned about today’s women from her. What I knew about women I’d learned from my father. I was a generation behind the times. Now I’m married to the girlfriend I had when I met Marcia, and I’m indebted to her for that. She and I are still good friends. Marcia and my wife are friends, too.”

  Can you fix a broken friendship? If you feel a close friend has hurt you, it’s worthwhile to sit down and say, “If I didn’t care about you, I’d just shrug my shoulders and go my own way. But since I do care, I’d like to straighten this out.” Then calmly talk about what has happened. You might find it’s just a misunderstanding.

  I can’t say I headed a broken friendship with my sister-our sibling rivalry was nothing unusual. But since Milton died, she and I found each other again, and it means a lot to me. The longer I live, the more important it is to feel connected. And that is what we do through friends.

  Near the end of his battle with cancer, Milton sent me to see our new grand-daughter. I held her and kissed her for both of us. When I told

  Milton I’d done this, he said, “I’ll always be with you, because part of me is in her, in each of our grandchildren.” He died a day or so later. I have four grandchildren now, and what Milton said is true. I take them, one by one, on adventures all over the world, and each time I find new friendships. And Milton, my best friend, is always with me.

  endearment: n.表示愛慕的話語;親熱的表示

  term: n.專業詞語;術語;措辭

  1. Psychologists identify friends as those who accept each other, confide in each other and feel responsible for each other.

  Paraphrase: Psychologists regard friends as those who accept each other, trust each other and be responsible for each other.


  Identify…as: to find out exactly what sth. is 把…確認為…

  transient: adj.短暫的;片刻的;轉瞬即逝的

  companionship: n.伙伴關系; 友情,友誼

  2. In our transient cultures, we depend more on friends for things we once got from families-emotional support and often even financial help. Paraphrase: In our cultures in which things change quickly, we get more things from friends, like emotional support and even financial support, which we got from families before.


  desperately: adv.極其; 絕望地; 不顧一切地,拼命地

  rank: v.分等級; n軍銜, 職銜; 地位; 社會階層; 排; 橫列; 行列

  kinship: n.親屬關系; 親切感

  neglect: v.忽略; 不予重視

  familial: v.家庭的,家族的

  affirm: v.肯定(某事)屬實; 申明; 斷言

  3. Friends ranks with marriage and kinship as one of the most important relationships in our lives, yet it can be the most neglected.

  Paraphrase: Friendship, together with marriage and family relationship, is one of the most important relationships in our lives, but sometimes we overlook it and pay very little attention to it.

  友誼, 同婚姻和親情一樣,是我們一生中最重要的關系之一。

  vow: n.(尤指宗教的)誓言,誓言

  tend to: 趨向,走向,傾向,趨于

  instinctual: 本能的(而非習得)的

  blossom: v.變得更加健康(或自信,成功)

  4. Then we find that the heart of friendship-how to make the relationship blossom, grow and survive-requires more attention and skill




  大多人學英語是多次放棄、重來;再放棄,再重來。開始都是懷著積極的心態,投入到英語學習的戰斗中去。然而,學著學著,就感覺要"堅持"不住了,想要放棄。開始總是找不到解決的辦法,為此而郁悶。后來才發現解決這樣的問題其實并不難。 來源:考試大的美女編輯們


  在英語學習的過程中,感到枯燥乏味,信心不足的時候,不要強迫自己往下學,因為從你的思想意識形態里已經開始產生了抵觸英語的情緒。這時再繼續只能是" 適得其反",請你先放一放你所學習的內容,最好的去處是逛書店,選擇一本自己喜歡的,翻開內容看上一兩段,你就會發現原來你的英語已經很有水平了,以前的時間沒有白費。

  還有,當你置身到書店的時候,你才能夠感受到很多中國人都和你一樣在努力著,也許他(她)的英文水平很高也許他 (她)還不如你。從而讓自己產生羨慕、嫉妒、欣慰的心理。只有這樣才能激發你的繼續學習的興趣。除此之外,你還可以去聽聽那些原版磁帶,去看看原版DVD 來調節自己的心態。


  背單詞不要孤立的背,一定要融合到句子中去。要查詞典,在詞典中把這個單詞每個不同的例句都要找出一兩句實用的作為代表練出來,這樣你才會知道一個單詞的不同用法。 還有一個辦法,就是利用摩西英語、大耳朵英語這些免費英語學習網站,從周一到周五,每天學習一個英文單詞的起源、用法、同根詞,學習一句英文名言,記住五個相關的單詞,這樣在輕松閱讀故事的過程中每周記住30個左右的單詞,一年就能累計記住1500個單詞。 除了聽寫、默寫以外,還要增加閱讀量,看一些和自己水平相當的英語書籍從而擴充詞匯量。閱讀不需要去背誦,也不需要去聽錄音,但必須勤查詞典。這個方法只是為了增加詞匯量,盡量在短時間內減少生詞。








  如果完全沒有目的性地學習英語,非常容易中斷學習。畢業幾年的上班族,為了為自己的學習添點兒動力,不妨自己選一本教材學習。比如經典的綜合英語教材《新概念英語》、 或是偏重口語教材的《走遍美國》、還有適合商務人士的《劍橋商務英語BEC》,都可以給你系統的學習方向。



  Unit 11

  Teaching Reading



  The Nature of Reading

  How do we read?

  What do we read?

  Strategies involved in reading comprehension

  The role of vocabulary in reading

  Principles and models for teaching reading


  Pre-reading activities

  While- reading activities

  Post-reading activities


  The Nature of Reading

  The Nature of Reading

  Reading is an active process. It constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking and asking oneself questions.

  Reading is the ability to understand the written words and respond to them in proper ways. Reading means getting meaning out of a given context.

  How do we read?

  1. Reading has only one purpose, i.e. to get information.

  2. Reading is a silent activity. Reading aloud does not help much with comprehension.

  3. Reading with a purpose is more effective than reading without a purpose.

  4. When we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word and sentence to sentence.

  5. Reading is an individual activity.

  6. We need to know all the words in order to understand a text

  7. We read everything with the same speed.

  8. When reading in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to understand.

  9. It is helpful to use a dictionary and note down the meaning of all the new words while reading.

  10. The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension.

  11. Possessing a large amount of vocabulary is the key for reading comprehension.

  12. Reading can best be improved by being engaged in reading and reading more.

  Tasks should help develop students’ reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension. The teacher should help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability in general so that they are able to apply the strategies or skills learned in class to tackle other texts they encounter outside class or in the future.



  Pre-reading activities

  Pooling existing knowledge about the topic

  Predicting the contents of the text

  Skimming or scanning the text for certain purposes

  Learning key words and structures

  Aims——To facilitate while-reading activities

  Pre-reading activities





  Skimming and scanning

  Setting the scene

  Content Layouts

  Predicting is an important reading skill, which can make reading more intriguing and purposeful .Therefore, it is likely to result in better comprehension compared with the situation where the learner starts reading with a blank mind.

  Three ways of prediction

  Predicting based on the title

  Good titles always contain the most important information of a written text.


  Look at the three titles in the box below and predict the contents of the texts. When you are ready, join another pair an d compare your predictions and the clues that helped you to make the

  To begin with, students may not be good at predicting. If so, the teacher can help them by asking certain questions. For example, for each of the three texts above, we can ask these questions:

  Text 1: What is a pet? What are pets for? Why do people love pets? Are there any problems with pets?

  Text 2: What is a jungle? Where can you find jungles? What do you think has happened to the jungles?

  Text 3: What happened to the child? How do you think the parents would feel? What could the police do?

  Three ways of prediction

  Predicting based on vocabulary

  The teacher also asks students to write down the words that they think will appear in the text,

  Predicting based on the T/F questions

  The teacher gives students some true or false statements. Students predict if these statements are true or false. Then they read the text to check if they have made the right predictions.

  Setting the scene

  Getting the students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text.

  Setting the scene by relating what students already know to what they want to know.

  Using visual aids to setting the scene, such as real objects, pictures, videos episodes and multi-media materials,etc.


  Reading quickly to get the gist,i.e. the main idea of the text.

  Ask general questions which allow students to focus on one or two things.

  Provide 3-4 statements and one of them represents the main idea, ask students to read the text and decide which statement is the correct one.

  Provide subtitles for different parts of a text and asks students to put them in the right place. Scanning

  Read to locate specific information. The key point is that the readers has something in his mind

  and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading.

  Besides,we can also ask students to scan for vocabulary which usually have certain semantic connections with the theme. Though teachers’ pre-teaching,students will facilitate the reading tasks that follow.


  What’s more, students can also scan for certain structures,for example, tense forms,discourse connectors,or particular sentence structures,which can serve as the basis for grammar study. Should pay attention to following things:

  Set a time limit;

  Give clear instruction for the task

  Wait until 70% of the students finish


  Make clear how you are going to get feedback

  Make sure that answers to the scanning questions are scattered throughout the text rather than clustered at one place.

  Different texts offer opportunities for different kinds of exploitation. Yet a reading passage in traditional reading comprehension textbook has generally been exploited by means of mutiple choice quesstions,T/F questions, open questions, parahrasing and translation.

  While-reading activities

  While-reading activities

  In this section we will look at some different ways of exploiting texts focusing on the process of understanding rather than the results of reading.

  Information presented in plain text form dose not facilitate information retention. When information in text form is transferred to another form, it can be more effectively processed and retained. The way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device Transition device

  Its function in teaching reading can be

  illustrated in the following diagram:

  Most of the transition devices make use of visual aids so that information in text form is visualized. Research has shown visualization can help second language learners to comprehend meaning

  Below are some transition devices that are often used in teaching:

  Purposes of transition device:

  1.Focus attention on the main meaning of the text.

  2.Be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basic for out put.

  3.Allow the students to perform tasks while they are reading.

  4.Highlight the main structural organization of a text /part of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning.

  5.Involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks.

  6.Precede one step at a time(easier tasks before more complicated one.)

  7.When a TD is completed, use it as a basis for further oral and/or written language practice. Reading comprehension question

  One of the most frequently used methods in teaching reading is asking students to answer comprehension questions. Nuttal suggests that we can classify questions according to the kind of information that they require students to get from the texts, or the kind of thinking that we wish students to engage in.

  She lists five types:

  Questions of literal comprehension. These are questions whose answer are directly and explicitly expressed in the text.

  Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation. These questions require Ss to put literal information together in a new way or reinterpret it.

  Questions for inferences. They require Ss to consider what is implied but not explicitly stated. Questions for evaluation or appreciation. Such as making judgment about what the writer is trying to do and whether the writer is biased or dishonest.

  Questions for personal response. The answers to these questions depend most on the reader`s reaction to the content of the text.

  Understanding references:

  All natural language, spoken or written , uses referential words such as pronouns to refer to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Some students have difficulty in following clearly the references in the text. So the teacher should find ways to help Ss find the meaning of the references in the context.

  Making inferences

  Making inferences, which means 'reading between the lines', is an important reading skill. It requires the readers to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the




  說外語時,我們主要應做到四件事: 理解 --回答 --提問 --口頭表達



  你應該區別講求準確性的口頭訓練與講求"被理解"的口頭交流之間的區別。如果你為交流而說英語,那么你犯的錯誤大都可以忽視。重要的是信心十足地去交流(那可不是容易的!)。如果你確實是在交流,那么即使你犯錯誤也沒有 關系,只要這些錯誤不干擾你的交流。你只要糾正在你口頭 表達或寫作時會妨礙別人理解你的錯誤就可以了。


  練習語言聽力的方法是要采取積極主動而非被動的方式。如果老師在介紹一篇課文時稍加一個短評,并且提出一個問題,學生們就會積極主動地聆聽。例如,老師說:"今 天我準備給你們讀一則講述一個意外事件的故事。讀完之后,我要問你們這件事是如何發生的。"這會鼓勵學生們積 極認真地聽,以求找到問題的答案。如果老師只是說:"請聽這個故事",學生們則沒有聆聽的重點。他們的雙眼可能 是睜著的,但頭腦確是封閉的。


  這是因為你把精力放在聽單詞上,而不是理解意思上。不要聽單個的單詞,然后就試圖把它們譯成漢語,應該聽懂全文的意思。聽英語時,要排除漢語干擾。這正是優秀 譯員所要具備的:他們先要弄懂一段語言的意思,然后把它譯成另一種語言,以便聽者可以聽懂說話的大意。


  我想你所提的"時斷時續"(說英語)可能是指突然迸 發式的說話方式。首先,你必須明白,大多數口頭表達是與他人交往的產物。我們很少發表長篇大論,這就是說我們必須培養我們自己理解別人講話的能力,然后根據我們所聽到的內容作出回答。會話的性質不同,要求的技巧也自然不同。例如:·交流信息。這是我們每天最常見的交流形式。你的朋友告訴你他/她在業余時間所喜歡做的事。你仔細聽,然后 告訴他/她你在業余時間所想做的事。你就如此這般回答。在這種交流中,你一般會大量使用一般現在時。·敘述。你的朋友用過去時告訴你一

  段經歷(他/她如何誤車,然后上班遲到,老板說些什么,等等)。你仔細聽,然后講述你自己的經歷。在這種交流中,你一般會使用一般過去時或過去進行時。按時間順序講述一個故事較為容易:某事開始于……,然后敘述正文,最后結束講述。·交流看法和觀點。你的朋友告訴你他/她對某事的看法,他/她先描述一段場景,然后發表他/她的意見,并給出 理由。你仔細聽,然后以同樣的方式作出回答。你有可能陳述事實(你從報紙上讀到的東西),給出一個或幾個例子,然后說明你的看法。你很可能用些諸

  如 In my opinion…, I think…, I agree with what you say, but…

  和 I"m afraid I disngree.I think…等短語。

  不錯,平時多練習以提高你的英語口語,但不要指望遇見外國人(我想你所指的是來自說英語的國家的人)這個辦法。如果這樣的話,你練習說英語的機會就少多了。首先,經常遇見外國人是不容易的;其次,他們可能不愿被你用來 練英語;再者,如果你與一位外國人交談,你可能會對自己 的英語水平不甚清楚,無法表達自己的

  思想(就像你所提的 事例一樣)。那么,你該怎么辦呢?你可以給你自己創造機 會。你可以找與你有相同的文化背景、面臨類似問題的人練習英語口頭表達能力。你可以定期參加英語會話課,在老師 的監督下練習,也可以和與你情況相當的朋友聚會,共同敲定一個談話的主題。可以選一些你們講中文時了解或愿意聊 的話題。當你心中感到言之有物的時候,你就會找到你所需要用的詞來表達你的思想,這是個自明之理。


  如果你在聽廣播的話,為什么非要寫下一個完整句子呢?廣播的播音通常是段英語口語。它并不是聽寫。我想你所說的是你沒有抓住單個單詞的意思。我的建議是:在聽廣播時,不要試圖抓住個別單詞的意思,要集中注意力聽完整的句子,盡力抓住全文的意思。也就是說你一定要根據上下 文判斷新單詞的意思。要訓練自己為理解文章的意思而聽廣 播,而不是為個別單詞而聽廣播。


  一門外國語最難掌握的一項技巧就是聽懂母語講話人用 正常速度所說的自然語言的能力。另外,在體育報道中,語速通常是快的。聽一場賽馬或汽車比賽的評論,你會發現評 論員幾乎都跟不上自己的速度,因為他要努力踉上他所看到的項目的進行速度。你可以通過幾個方法來訓練自己聽懂母 語講話者說話的能力。一種辦法是使用"有聲讀物"。這些讀物以錄音帶、CD或錄像帶的形式出版。它們主要包括著 名演員朗讀的小說或傳記,這些讀物是面向那些不想親自讀故事而想聽別人讀的母語講話者的。


  在陌生人面前你覺得膽怯,對自己的英語沒有自信。為 什么呢?因為你怕被人

  嘲笑。這種情況尤其會影響講外語的成年人。(越年輕就越沒有顧忌!)你該怎么辦呢?你可以先 說服自己講別人的語言出了錯誤并不是件丟人的事。設想將情景反過來,外國人在努力與你講中文。你會怎么辦?你會嘲笑他們的語病,還是會去幫助他們呢?許多以英語為母語的人,尤其是那些長期在國外的,了解學英語的人努力講英語的情形,一般都會有耐心、寬容地提供幫助。了解到這一點,你就可以試著與外國人交談。仔細聽,大體弄懂他們談的是什么。"輪到"你說話的時候你可以發表自己的意見。 你認為自己可能誤解的地方,可以請與你交談的人解釋,你 也可以請他們糾正一兩個關鍵的錯誤。這樣你會慢慢建立起信心。


  你的頭腦中不要想中文。在聽英語時,你應該帶著英語 思維聽,不要試圖給你聽到的每個英語單詞都找到一個中文的對等詞。如果你頑固堅持,就會完全聽不懂意思,也就聽不到什么英語。不要拘泥于單個的詞,應集中精力努力弄懂整個詞組、句子和段落的意思。聽到不理解的地方,努力從上下文中推導含義。聽完一篇英語后,(用英語)回憶一下 它講的是什么,考考自己。


  費解的問題!"虛擬"是英語中很少使用的一個語法形式。可能你是要我推薦那些聽起來像真正的英語,而不像語法書的英語錄音。如果這樣,我建議你查閱出版社的英語語 言教學目錄,找到"讀物"部分,選擇有聲讀物(即磁帶里的故事書)。選擇自己認為適合的等級,然后選擇你喜歡的 題目訂購。如果你的英語水平較高,你可以買或借"有聲圖 書",這是由演員朗讀的原版小說。


  錯誤只有在嚴重影響交流的時候才構成問題。如果與你交談的人理解你所說的大部分,那你做得很好,犯了多少錯誤沒有多大關系。如果你愿意,可以請英語水平比你高的人 替你糾正,但這樣通常很乏味,而且干擾交流。如果與你交談的人能理解你說的意思,那就很好,完全不應該擔心錯誤。

  如何 避免“中國式英語”?

  你之所以老是把中文譯成英語,是因為你的口語技巧尚未達到讓你自信的水平。你在參加交談前需掌握四項技巧.它們是: --理解 --回答 --問 --說因此你要集中提高這些技巧:訓練自己理解英語口語,訓練自己問問題,訓練自己回答問題,最終說英語。你在掌握了前三項技巧后,就可以水到渠成地掌握最后(也是最難的)一項:說。





  (1) We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.



  (2) Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. By the way, Guangzhou New Oriental School holds an English Corner on every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 at Haizhu No. 8 classroom. One of the teachers in our department will be the MC at the English Corner. Welcome every friend who is crazy about learning English!


  (3) If it’s not easy to get English partners or having little chance to attend an English corner, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. For example, you can talk to yourself about what you have seen or what you have done.


  (4) This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-E

  nglish novels or books. First of all, we read the Chinese parts and try to interpret them into English sentence by sentence, and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books after finishing one small paragraph’s interpretation, so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.




  成人學英語普遍存在的問題是記憶力差,作復述練習或背誦課文時,往往力不從心;或者由于詞匯量太小覺得直接作口譯太難,那么推薦一種解決這個問題有效方法:先學習英文部分,通篇理解透徹后,再來看漢語譯文, 這時,再把漢語譯文口譯回英文。這樣做等于既作復述練習又作口譯(語)練習,可謂一箭雙雕,一石二鳥!這樣訓練的好處體現在以下七個方面:

  1. 自己就可以練習口語,想練多久,就練多久。

  2. 始終有一位高級教師指出您的不足和錯誤——英文原文。

  3. 訓練的'題材范圍極廣,可以突破我們自己的思維禁錮,比如,我們總是喜歡談論我們自己熟悉的話題,所以我們總是在練習相同的語言,進步當然就緩慢了。

  4. 選擇小說,幽默故事或好的短文閱讀,使我們有足夠的興趣堅持下去。

  5. 有一些我們在直接學習英語課文時被我們熟視無睹的地道的英語用法會被此法發掘出來。

  6. 對所學知識和所犯錯誤印象深刻。這等于我們一直在作漢譯英練習,很多英文譯文是我們費盡心思憋出來的,所以印象相當深刻,這比直接學習英文課文印象要深的多。

  7. 經過大量的練習,你會有這樣的感覺:沒有什么東西你不能翻譯,你的翻譯水平大大加強了,你的口語表達力大大提高了!




  1、 在日常物業費繳納過程中,業主常常會因為工作繁忙、人在外地、返修整改、久未出租……等各種原因遲交、甚至拒繳物業費。為了維持物業的正常運作,保障公司的合法權益,“催費”便成為必不可少的工作。

  2、 本要略是通過在日常催費工作中的不斷嘗試和總結編寫而成的催費小招(辦法)。招與招之間可單獨使用,亦可根據不同業主、不同情況據實搭配使用。選擇招數時應按先必做后自選、先個人(片區、管家)后全體(所有崗位員工)、先私人后正式的原則進行。

  3、 重點說明:本要略所言“催費”一定是基于所有物業服務均達標的前提下進行的,切不可只“催費”無“服務”。


  第一招 適時提醒




  時間點。此外,各項目可根據自身特殊情況添加。業主分別發送短信,避免業主產生“他只是群發,不是在提醒我”的想法,耽誤繳納時間。 提醒節點見下表:

  第二招 斷其后路





  如果業主一直含糊其辭說”最近” “這兩天會來交”則要和業主約定一個有效的時間,到了時間之后再次提醒業主,這樣,不僅使業主自己心里在時間上產生緊迫感,同時也讓一拖再拖的業主產生失信的感覺,最終達到有效催費的目的。




  您看您平時也比較忙,不如辦個銀行代扣,多省心啊,就不用每個月還要惦著來這邊繳費了,大老遠的。(用意:突出遠、累) 像您平時比較忙(人在外地)的,也可以考慮銀行轉賬啊,我們這邊有中行和農行的,您看哪個還比較方便啊?







  第三招 苦肉計








  第四招 地毯搜索















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