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  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 1

  Los Angeles Officials Say Community Groups Can Help in Pandemics,Other Disasters(1/3)

  More than 50 community organizations took part in a recent forum that focused on a possible flu pandemic.But Dr.Jonathan Fielding,public health director for Los Angeles County,says preparations are much the same for natural disasters and terrorism.

  "Were quite susceptible to earthquakes.Weve just had wildfires.We just did a tsunami exercise,even though thats less likely.A pandemic will occur - we just dont know when.We are concerned about man-made disasters.Unfortunately,we have to worry about bioterrorism,chemical,radiological terrorism.So the good news is that being prepared for all of them requires the same basic ingredients,which is an emergency communication plan,emergency preparedness kit,and understanding in communities what youll do in the event of a problem."

  He says each family needs a plan in place in case of a disaster,when phone services may be down and travel difficult.He says people need emergency supplies,including medicine and bandages,a flashlight and battery-powered radio,water,food and other essentials.

  He adds that community organizations should have plans in place to supplement the work of public agencies.






  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 2

  We meet at very short intervals,not having had time to acquire any new value for each other.We meet at meals three times a day,and give each other a new taste of that old mushy cheese that we are.We have had to agree on a certain set of rules,called etiquette and politeness,to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war.We meet at the post office,and at the sociable,and about the fireside every night;we live thick and are in each others way,and stumble over one another,and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another.Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty communications.

  Consider the girls in a factory-never alone,hardly in their dreams.It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile,as where I live.The value of a man is not in his skin.


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 3

  Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.We are traveling by train.Out the windows,we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,of children waving at a crossing,of cattle grazing on a distant hillside,of smoke pouring from a power plant,of row upon row of corn and wheat,of flatlands and valleys,of mountains and rolling hillsides,of city skylines and village halls.

  But uppermost in our minds is the final destination.On a certain day at a certain hour,we will pull in the station.Bands will be playing and flags waving.Once we get there,so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle.How restlessly we pace the aisles,damning the minutes for loitering—waiting,waiting,waiting for the station.

  “When we reach the station,that will be it!” We cry.“When Im 18.” “When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz!” “When I put the last kid through college.” “When I have paid off the mortgage!” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement,I shall live happily ever after!”

  Sooner or later,we must realize there is no station,no one place to arrive at once and for all.The true joy of life is the trip.The station is only a dream.It constantly outdistances us.

  “Relish the moment” is a good motto,especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24:“This is the day which the Lord hath made;we will rejoice and be glad in it.” It isnt the burdens of today that drive men mad.It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow.Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.

  So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.Instead,climb more mountains,eat more ice cream,go barefoot more often,swim more rivers,watch more sunsets,laugh more,cry less.Life must be lived as we go along.The station will come soon enough.







  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 4

  The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert.During some point of the journey they had an argument,and one friend slapped the other one in the face.The one who got slapped felt hurt,but without saying anything,wrote in the sand: "Today my best friend slapped me in the face."

  They kept on walking until they found an oasis,where they decided to take a bath.The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning,but the friend saved him.After he recovered from the near drowning,he wrote on a stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."

  The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him,"After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone.Why?"

  The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.But when someone does something good for us,we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 5

  Children used to play a game of pointing at someone,suddenly saying,“What are you?” Some people answered by saying,“I am a human being,” or by nationality,or by religion.


  When this question was put to me by a new generation of children,I answered,“an anthropologist.”


  Anthropology is the study of whole ways of life,to which one must be completely committed,all the time.So that when I speak of what I believe as a person,I cannot separate this from what I believe as an anthropologist.


  I believe that to understand human beings it is necessary to think of them as part of the whole living world.Our essential humanity depends not only on the complex biological structure which has been developed through the ages from very simple beginnings,but also upon the great social inventions which have been made by human beings,perpetuated by human beings,and in turn give human beings their stature as builders,thinkers,statesmen,artists,seers,and prophets.


  I believe that each of these great inventions—language,the family,the use of tools,government,science,art,and philosophy—has the quality of so combining the potentialities of every human temperament,that each can be learned and perpetuated by any group of human beings,regardless of race,and regardless of the type of civilization within which their progenitors lived;so that a newborn infant from the most primitive tribe in New Guinea is as intrinsically capable of graduation from Harvard,or writing a sonnet,or inventing a new form of radar as an infant born on Beacon Hill.


  But I believe,also,that once a child has been reared in New Guinea or Boston or Leningrad or Tibet,he embodies the culture within which he is reared,and differs from those who are reared elsewhere so deeply,that only by understanding these differences can we reach an awareness which will give us a new control over our human destiny.


  I believe that human nature is neither intrinsically good nor intrinsically evil,but individuals are born with different combinations of innate potentialities,and that it will depend upon how they are reared—to trust and love and experiment and create,or to fear and hate and conform—what kind of human beings they can become.


  I believe that we have not even begun to tap human potentialities,and that by continuing humble but persistent study of human behavior,we can learn consciously to create civilizations within which an increasing proportion of human beings will realize more of what they have it in them to be.


  I believe that human life is given meaning through the relationship which the individual’s conscious goals have to the civilization,period,and country within which one lives.


  At times,the task may be to fence a wilderness,to bridge a river,or rear sons to perpetuate a young colony.Today,it means taking upon ourselves the task of creating one world in such a way that we both keep the future safe and leave the future free.


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 6

  He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his fathers life—who was the main source of support for the family.Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother.For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother BECame his shadow,never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes,he was completely unable to do anything in his life.


  One late night,he suffered from diarrhea1 and had to wake up his younger brother.His younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back the dorm to wait.But being so tired,his younger brother fell asleep,leaving him on the toilet for two hours till the teacher on duty discovered him.As the two brothers GREw up together,they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel.Then one day,his younger brother wanted to live separate from him,living his own life,as many normal people do.So he was heart-broken and didnt know what to do.


  A similar misfortune befell a girl,too.One night her mother,who suffered from chronic2 mental illness disappeared.So her father went out looking for her mother,leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals for her parents,only to overturn the kerosene3 light on the stove,resulting in a fire which took her hands away.


  Though her elder sister who was studying in another city,showed her willingness to take care of her,she was determined to be completely independent.At school,she always studied hard.Most of all she learned to be self-reliant.Once she wrote the following in her composition: "I am lucky.Though I lost my arms,I still have legs;I am lucky.Though my wings are broken,my heart can still fly."


  One day,the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program.The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own,whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life.They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote: My younger brothers arms are my arms;while the girl wrote: Broken wings,flying heart.


  They had both endured the same ordeal4,but their different attitudes determined the nature of their lives.It is true that life is unpredictable5.Disasters can strike at any time.How you handle misfortune when confronted with it,is the true test of your character.If you choose only to complain and escape from the ordeal,it will always follow you wherever you go.But if you decide to be strong,the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.



  Occasionally,life can be undeniably,impossibly difficult.We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming,life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going.But you always have a choice.Jessica Heslop shares her powerful,inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself:


  In 2012 I had the worst year of my life.


  I worked in a finance job that I hated and I lived in a concrete jungle city with little greenery.I occupied my time with meaningless relationships and spent copious quantities of money on superficialities.I was searching for happiness and had no idea where to find it.


  Then I fell ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and became virtually bed bound.I had to quit my job and subsequently was left with no income.I lived with my boyfriend of then only 3 months who financially supported me and our relationship was put under great pressure.I eventually regained my physical health,but not long after that I got a call from my family at home to say that my father’s cancer had fiercely progressed and that he had been admitted to a hospice.


  I left the city and I went home to be with him.


  He died 6 months later.


  My father was a complete inspiration to me.He was always so strong that,for a minute after he drew his last breath,I honestly thought he would come back to life.I couldn’t believe I would never again cuddle into his big warm chest and feel safe no matter what.


  The grief that followed was intense for all of us 5 children and our mother,but we had each other.


  But my oldest sister at that time complained of a bad back.It got so bad after 2 months that she too was admitted to hospital.


  They discovered that she had highly advanced cancer in her bones and that there was nothing that they could do.


  She died 1 month later.


  I could never put into words the loss of my sister in my life.


  She was a walking,talking angel and my favourite person in the whole world.If someone could have asked me the worst thing that could ever happen,it would have been losing her.


  She was my soul-mate and I never thought I would journey this lifetime without her.


  The Moment Of Deliberate Choice


  The shock and extreme heart break brought me to my knees.The pain was so great and my world just looked desolate.I had no real home,no money,no job,and no friends that cared.Not one person had even sent me a sympathy card for my loss.


  I made an attempt of my own life and I ended up in hospital.


  I remember lying in the hospital bed,looking up at the ceiling and seeing my sister’s beautiful face.She stayed with me all night long.


  I realised during that night that I had a choice.I could choose to end my life or I could choose to live it.


  I looked in my sister’s eyes and I made a decision not to go with her just yet.That I would stay and complete my journey here.


  I also made the decision that,I wouldn’t just live any life.I would live the life that I absolutely LOVE and nothing less.


  In that moment,the clarity that descended around me was like a light shining in a dark room for the first time.As if the earth’s plates had shifted under my feet and everything suddenly looked real for the first time.



  We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives;instead of letting the world soften us,we let it drive us deeper into ourselves.We try to deflect the hurt and pain by pretending it doesn’t exist,but although we can try this all we want,in the end,we can’t hide from ourselves.We need to learn to open our hearts to the potentials of life and let the world soften us.


  Whenever we start to let our fears and seriousness get the best of us,we should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior.The items listed below are six ways you can open your heart more fully and completely.


  1. Breathe into pain


  Whenever a painful situation arises in your life,try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt.When the sadness strikes,take a deep breath and lean into it.When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives,it gets stronger and more real.We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event,instead of something that passes through us.


  By utilizing our breath we soften our experiences.If we dam them up,our lives will stagnate,but when we keep them flowing,we allow more newness and greater experiences to blossom.


  2. Embrace the uncomfortable


  We all know what that twinge of anxiety feels like.We know how fear feels in our bodies: the tension in our necks,the tightness in our stomachs,etc.We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.


  The initial impulse is to run away — to try and suppress these feelings by not acknowledging them.When we do this,we close ourselves off to the parts of our lives that we need to experience most.The next time you have this feeling of being truly uncomfortable,do yourself a favor and lean into the feeling.Act in spite of the fear.


  3.Ask your heart what it wants


  We’re often confused at the next step to take,making pros and cons lists until our eyes bleed and our brains are sore.Instead of always taking this approach,what if we engaged a new part of ourselves that isn’t usually involved in the decision making process?


  I know we’ve all felt decisions or actions that we had to take simply due to our “gut” impulses: when asked,we can’t explain the reasons behind doing so — just a deep knowing that it had to get done.This instinct is the part of ourselves we’re approaching for answers.


  To start this process,take few deep breaths then ask,“Heart,what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?”


  See what comes up,then engage and evaluate the outcome.



  In this life,what did you miss?


  The wife asked the husband when she was 25.Despondently,the husband replied: I missed a new job opportunity.


  When she was 35,the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.


  At 45,the husband sadly said: I missed the oppotunity seeing my closed relative before his last breath.


  At 55,the husband said disappointingly: I missed a good chance to retire.


  At 65,the husband hurriedly replied: I missed a dental appointment.


  At 75,the wife did not ask the husband anymore,the husband was kneeling in front of the very sick wife.Remembering the question the wife used to ask him,this time he asked the wife the same question.The wife,with a smile and peaceful look,replied: In this life,I did not miss having you!


  The husband was full of tears.He always thought that they could be together forever.He was always busy with work and trifles.So much so he had never been thoughtful to his wife.The husband hugged the wife tightly and said: Over 50 years,how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.


  In the busy city life,there are many people who are always busy with work.These people revolve their lives around their jobs,these people sacrifice all their times and health to meet the social expectations.They are unwilling to spend times on health care.They miss the opportunity to be with their children in their growing up.They neglect the loved ones who care for them,and also their health.


  Nobody knows what is going to happen one year from now.


  Life is not permanent,so always live in the now.Express your gratitude to your loved ones in words.Show your care with actions.Treat everyday as the last episode of life.In this way,when you are gone,you loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.


  美文賞析:去經歷去體驗 做最好最真實的自己

  Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best,most genuine version of themselves they can be.Not on the outside--on the inside.Its not about a brand,a reputation,a persona.Its about reality.Who you really are.


  Sounds simple,I know.It is a simple concept.The problem is,its very hard to do,it takes a lot of work,and it can take a lifetime to figure it out.


  Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy.If you want to do great work,its going to take a lot of hard work to do it.And youre going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare the crap out of you.


  But you know,I cant think of a better way to spend your life.I mean,whats life for if not finding yourself and trying to become the best,most genuine version of you that you can be?


  Thats what Steve Jobs meant when he said this at a Stanford University commencement speech:


  Your time is limited,so dont waste it living someone elses life.Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.


  You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.You have to trust in something--your gut,destiny,life,karma,whatever.This approach has never let me down,and it has made all the difference in my life.


  The only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you havent found it yet,keep looking.Dont settle.


  Now,lets for a moment be realistic about this.Insightful as that advice may be,it sounds a little too amorphous and challenging to resonate with todays quick-fix culture.These days,if you cant tell people exactly what to do and how to do it,it falls on deaf ears.


  Not only that,but what Jobs was talking about,what Im talking about,requires focus and discipline,two things that are very hard to come by these days.Why? Because,focus and discipline are hard.Its so much easier to give in to distraction and instant gratification.Easy and addictive.


  To give you a little incentive to take on the challenge,to embark on the road to self-discovery,here are three huge benefits from working to become the best,most genuine version of yourself.


  It will make you happy.Getting to know yourself will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin.It will reduce your stress and anxiety.It will make you a better spouse,a better parent,a better friend.It will make you a better person.Those are all pretty good reasons,if you ask me.


  Besides,you really wont achieve anything significant in life until you know the real you.Not your brand,your LinkedIn profile,how you come across,or what anyone thinks of you.The genuine you.Theres one simple reason why you shouldnt try to be something youre not,and its that you cant.The real you will come out anyway.So forget your personal brand and start spending time on figuring out who you really are and trying to become the best version of that you can be.



  Love Is Not Like Merchandise


  A reader in Florida,apparently bruised by some personal experience,writes in to complain,"If I steal a nickels worth of merchandise,I am a thief and punished;but if I steal the love of anothers wife,I am free."

  佛羅里達州的一位讀者顯然是在個人經歷上受過創傷,他寫信來抱怨道: “如果我偷走了五分錢的商品,我就是個賊,要受到懲罰,但是如果我偷走了他人妻子的愛情,我沒事兒。”

  This is a prevalent misconception in many peoples minds---that love,like merchandise,can be "stolen".Numerous states,in fact,have enacted laws allowing damages for "alienation of affections".

  這是許多人心目中普遍存在的一種錯誤觀念——愛情,像商品一樣,可以 “偷走”。實際上,許多州都頒布法令,允許索取“情感轉讓”賠償金。

  But love is not a commodity;the real thing cannot be bought,sold,traded or stolen.It is an act of the will,a turning of the emotions,a change in the climate of the personality.


  When a husband or wife is "stolen" by another person,that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing,was already predisposed toward a new partner.The "love bandit" was only taking what was waiting to be taken,what wanted to be taken.


  We tend to treat persons like goods.We even speak of the children "belonging" to their parents.But nobody "belongs" to anyone else.Each person belongs to himself,and to God.Children are entrusted to their parents,and if their parents do not treat them properly,the state has a right to remove them from their parents trusteeship.


  Most of us,when young,had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing.At the time,we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older,we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with.It was not the intruder that "caused" the break,but the lack of a real relationship.


  On the surface,many marriages seem to break up because of a "third party".This is,however,a psychological illusion.The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.


  Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love,the vengeful feeling that someone else has "come between" oneself and a beloved.This is always a distortion of reality,for people are not the captives or victims of others---they are free agents,working out their own destinies for good or for ill.


  But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home-breaker.In the vast majority of cases,however,when a home is broken,the breaking has begun long before any "third party" has appeared on the scene.


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 7

  Of the tens of thousands of ships on the ocean bottom,only a handful,less than 1 percent,contain negotiable treasure,such as gold and jewels.Most give us a different priceless treasure -- history.A sunken ship lies in trust,preserved in the airless environment of the sea and those in deep water are especially well protected.No dry land sites anywhere -- except perhaps Egyptian tombs -- are in a better state of preservation than a vessel deep in the ocean.A sunken ship,therefore,can be a rare window through which a moment in time is glimpsed.

  This is not to imply that sunken ships are always found intact.Most ships break up on the way down,hit the bottom at about 100 miles per hour,and become a chaotic,confusing jumble.I recall the chagrin of a novice diver who,after surfacing from an underwater tour of a 400-foot ship,asked his diving buddy,"Where was the wreck?" It takes experience to actually know a sunken ship when one sees it.But no matter what its condition on the way down,a ship deteriorates much more slowly as it sinks deeper into protective layers of sand and mud.Ancient vessels have been found in remarkably good condition.In 1977 a group of marine archaeologists excavating a 900-year-old wreck recovered engraved glassware.Greek coins,bronze kettles,and amazingly,Greek jars containing seeds,almonds,and lentils -- even a plate with chicken bones.

  在數以萬計的海底沉船中,只有極少數,不到百分之一的沉船上有可流通的財富,如黃金和珠寶。 多數沉船提供給我們的是另一種無價的財富--歷史。 沉船被海洋中沒有空氣的環境保管起來,躺在深水中的船只被保存得尤其完好。 大概除了埃及金字塔外,陸地上沒有哪些遺跡比深海沉船保存得更完好了。 因此,每一只沉船便成為我們探視歷史的一扇難得的窗戶。

  但這并不是說沉船被發現時都完好無損。 大多數船只在下沉過程中就已破碎,并以每小時100英里的速度撞擊海底,因此成為亂糟糟的一團。 我至今仍記得一位潛水新手造訪一艘400英尺長的海底沉船后浮出水面時的懊喪神情。他問他的.潛水伙伴:"沉船在哪兒?" 看到沉船時能知道這是一只沉船是需要經驗的。 但不管船在下沉時狀況如何,當它下沉到海底具有保護作用的泥沙層后,船體的朽爛速度比在陸地上要慢得多。 人們曾在海底發現過保存異常完好的古船。 1977年,一群海洋考古學家們在發掘一只有900年歷史的沉船時,找到了雕花玻璃器皿、希臘硬幣、青銅水壺,并令人吃驚地發現一些盛有種子、杏仁和扁豆等東西的希臘罐子,甚至找到一個盛有雞骨的盤子。

  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 8

  Where shall you seek beauty,and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide? And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech?


  The aggrieved and the injured say,"Beauty is kind and gentle.Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us."


  And the passionate say,"Nay,beauty is a thing of might and dread.Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us."


  The tired and the weary say,"Beauty is of soft whisperings.She speaks in our spirit.Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow."


  But the restless say,"We have heard her shouting among the mountains,and with her cries came the sound of hoofs,and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions."


  At night the watchmen of the city say,"Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east."


  And at noon-time the toilers and the wayfarers say,"We have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset."


  In winter say the snow-bound,"She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."


  And in the summer heat the reapers say,"We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves,and we saw a drift of snow in her hair."


  All these things have you said of beauty,yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,and beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty haand stretched forth,but rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,but rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.It is not the sap within the furrowed bark,nor a wing attached to a claw,but rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.

  你們談到關于美的所有這些,實際并非關于她本身,而是關于你們未被滿足的需求,但美并不是一種需求,而是 心醉神迷的欣喜。她不是焦渴的唇,也不是伸出的空空的手,而是一顆燃燒的心,一個充滿喜悅的靈魂。她不是你們想看到的形象,也不是你們想聽到的歌聲,而是 你們閉上眼睛看到的形象,堵住耳朵聽到的歌聲。她不是傷殘樹皮下的樹液,也不是懸在利爪下的翅膀。而是一座鮮花永遠盛開的花園,一群永遠在天空飛翔的天使。

  Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 9

  I had a truly unforgettable experience while I was out walking after dark.Like most magical moments,it caught me off guard.


  It seems to be the time when magic and miracles work the best.It seems to be the time that can get past all the negative thoughts and baggage I carry and fill my heart with love,joy and light.


  This magic moment was a thousand fireflies flying in the woods.They were dancing away in their twinkling lights.It was a joyful dance to celebrate the bright shining star of the night sky and the smiling face of a full moon.


  The sight made me smile,my heart jump and my spirit sing in joy.It filled me with more energy,vitality and love than I had got all day long.It made me glad to be alive and reminded me that there must be a glorious heaven if earth can be so beautiful.Life is full of magical moments.


  Life is full of goodness,kindness,happiness and wonder.Life is a glorious gift,and we should never take it for granted.


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 10

  Life offers two choices.


  We can live scurrying for survival or soaring to the unlimited heights.The choices are modelled by these two creatures.


  A few months back while sitting in a boat fishing with a couple of friends,I noticed a field mouse on the river bank.He emerged out of his hole,darted in a couple of directions,and then scurried back.I thought of the existence of this little creature.His life is spent running around,frightened and frantic,following his nose.


  He darts here,scurries there,turns in circles,but never really sees much beyond his nose.He is trying to sniff his way to successful living,which defined,by a mouse’s existence,is finding some daily morsel,to sustain him,so that he can carry on for the rest of his life,frightened and frantic.Sound familiar.


  A few minutes later I glanced up and noticed soaring high above was an Osprey.Rather than a picture of a frightened and frantic existence,I saw a wide winged creature using the air currents to maneuver majestically in the unlimited heights.


  Rather than sniffing out a meager existence,this keen eyed hunter with a panoramic view of the river and lake beneath,was simply waiting for the appropriate time to swoop and capture his prey.The amazing creature,rather than return to some tiny hole in the river bank,glides toward a nest fashioned at the top of the tallest of trees.


  The strength in his wings,the power in his talons ,the amazing capacity of his vision,the effortless capacity to soar,it is the osprey,not the field mouse that models our human potential.


  I don’t know about you,but it is easy for me to decide which creature I want to exemplify my life.I want to soar.I want to explore.I want to see the big picture.I want to conquer .I want to climb higher,go farther,dive deeper,and experience more.


  I want my soul enlarged,my mind expanded,my heart enlivened and my spirit energized.I want the scurrying to stop.I want the frantic darting about following my nose to end.I want new strength,fresh thinking,clear vision and resolved courage.I want to be more and more like the osprey


  標準美音聽力原文及翻譯 11

  What is your direction indicator of ascended

  One windy spring day,I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites.Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing.As the strong winds gusted against the kites,a string kept them in check.

  Instead of blowing away with the wind,they arose against it to achieve great heights.They shook and pulled,but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow,facing upward and against the wind.As the kites struggled and trembled against the string,they seemed to say,“Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They soared beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string.Finally,one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose.“Free at last,” it seemed to say.“Free to fly with the wind.”

  Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze.It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.“Free at last” free to lie powerless in the dirt,to be blown helplessly along the ground,and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction.

  How much like kites we sometimes are.The Heaven gives us adversity and restrictions,rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength.Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained.We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

  Let us each rise to the great heights,recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.

















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