

時間:2025-01-16 18:14:53 麗華 標語 我要投稿
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  1、Offering is life 奉獻就是人生

  2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the new Be promising and diligent in one’s work革故鼎新 奮發圖強

  3、English is the bridge to the world英語是走向世界的橋梁

  4、Time is life 時間就是生命

  5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west博古通今 學貫中西

  6、Learning English well having bright future學好英語 前程燦爛

  7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunities Take advantage of their specialties因材施教 發展特長

  8、Master English you can roam the world精通英語 走遍天下

  9、Develop create and improve together with the time與時俱進 開拓創新

  10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸懷祖國 放眼世界

  11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledge to improve your ability 厚基礎 寬知識 強能力

  12、Learn different languages to master the worldCulture 學中外語言 通五洲文化

  13、The new digital era.數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)

  14、We lead. others copy.我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)

  15、Impossible made possible.使不可能變為可能。(佳能打印機)

  16、Take time to indulge.盡情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

  17、Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.動態的詩,向我舞近。(豐田汽車)

  18、Come to where the flavor is. marlboro country.光臨風韻之境——萬寶路世界。(萬寶路香煙)

  19、To me, the past is black and white,but the future is always color.....對我而言,過去平淡無奇;而未來,卻多姿多彩(軒尼詩酒)

  20、Just do it.只管去做。(耐克運動鞋)

  21、Ask for more.渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)

  22、The taste is great.味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)

  23、Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星電子)

  24、Intelligence everywhere.智慧演繹,無處不在。(摩托羅拉手機)

  25、The choice of a new generation.新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)

  26、We integrate, you communicate.我們集大成,您超越自我。(三菱電工)

  27、Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)

  28、Obey your thirst.服從你的渴望。(雪碧)

  29、科學管理精心施工。Scientific management and careful

  30、思想走了神,事故瞬間生。The thought is gone, the accident is

  31、生命至高無上,安全責任為天。Life is paramount, safety responsibility is

  32、不怕千日緊,只怕一時松。Not afraid of thousands of days tight, just a moment

  33、只有大意吃虧,沒有小心上當。Only careless, not careful

  34、隱患險于明火,防范勝于救災。Hidden danger in naked fire, prevention is better than disaster

  35、制度不全,事故難免。The system is incomplete and accidents are

  36、班前飲了酒,獨木橋上走。Drink the wine before class, walk on the plank

  37、事故出于麻痹,安全來于警惕。The accident because of paralysis, security to guard

  38、小蟲蛀大梁,隱患釀事端。Small moth eaten girder, hidden trouble brewing

  39、安全靠規章,嚴守不能忘。Safety depends on rules and regulations and should not be

  40、遵章守紀光榮,違章違紀可恥。Zunzhangshouji glorious, shameful

  41、小心無大錯,粗心鑄大過。Be careful not to blunder, carelessness is greater than

  42、安全一萬天,事故一瞬間。Safety ten thousand days, accident

  43、樹意識創精品工程。Tree brand awareness, create quality

  44、治病要趁早,安全要抓小。Treat as early as possible, safe to catch

  45、嚴把質量關寬廣企業路。Strict quality control, broad enterprise

  46、安全保健康,千金及不上。Safety and health, and not the

  47、在崗一分鐘,安全六十秒。One minute on duty, sixty seconds for

  48、百年大計質量第一。Project, quality

  49、疏忽一時,痛苦一世。A moment of neglect, a lifetime of

  50、幸福是棵樹,安全是沃土。Happiness is a tree, safety is fertile

  51、安全生產,人人有責。Production safety

  52、Let me give you some candies。我給你們些糖果吧。

  53、I am making my own我要自己完成我的裝扮。

  54、Im going to put on a dark suit。我要穿件黑衣服。

  55、Our masks will scare off the spirits!我們的面具可以把幽靈嚇走!

  56、How should I prepare for Halloween night?在萬圣節之夜我該如何準備?

  57、What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?萬圣節前夕你要穿什么?

  58、Dress up like monsters or strange打扮得像怪物或奇怪的生物。

  59、Do you want to help me make a jack-o-lantern?你愿意幫我做個南瓜/杰克燈嗎?

  60、The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of “空心南瓜燈”是萬圣節的象征。

  61、They go Trick or treat from house to house at他們玩“不招待就搗蛋”的把戲。

  62、They can get a lot of candy by the end of the一天下來,他們就會得到很多糖果。

  63、People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on人們在萬圣節時用我制作“鬼火”。

  64、Older boys put us up to pointing the red statue on年紀大的男孩指揮我們在萬圣節前夕將雕像漆紅。

  65、Few holidays tap into the American psyche so closely as與美國人心理最接近的節日莫過于萬圣節前夜。

  66、The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween當面對那個穿萬圣節服裝的人時孩子尖叫起來。

  67、Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper孩子們會制作各種各樣桔黃色南瓜燈作為萬圣節的裝飾品。

  68、We use the lantern to light the way for skeletons, devils,witches, ghosts, and thedead friends or relatives, for they will visit the earth。我們用燈籠為骷髏、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的朋友和親戚照路,他們要來人間。

  69、It is a happy festival for But at the same time, there is a more sinister(陰險的) side to雖然對于孩子們來說這是個歡樂熱鬧的節日,但與此同時,它也有“陰森可怖”的一面。

  70、Enjoy Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola)請喝可口可樂。經典英文廣告語可口可樂)

  71、Generation Next.(Pepsi)新的一代。經典英文廣告語百事)

  72、The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus)追求完美永無止境。經典英文廣告語凌志汽車)

  73、Communication unlimited.(Motorola)溝通無極限。經典英文廣告語摩托羅拉)

  74、Feast your eyes.經典英文廣告語Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment)滋潤心靈的窗戶。經典英文廣告語龐氏眼貼片)

  75、Focus on life.(Olympus)瞄準生活。

  76、Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste)健康笑容來自佳潔士。經典英文廣告語佳潔士牙膏)

  77、Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天長地久。經典英文廣告語斯沃奇手表)

  78、Make yourself heard.(Ericsson)理解就是溝通。(愛立信)

  79、Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人類精神的動力。經典英文廣告語梅塞德斯-奔馳)

  80、Start Ahead.(Rejoice)成功之路,從頭開始。經典英文廣告語飄柔)

  81、A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres)鉆石恒久遠,一顆永流傳。經典英文廣告語第比爾斯)

  82、Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒腦,喝七喜。經典英文廣告語七喜)

  83、Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium)給電腦一顆奔騰的“芯”。經典英文廣告語英特爾奔騰)

  84、Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人為本。經典英文廣告語諾基亞)

  85、For the Road Ahead.(Honda)康莊大道。經典英文廣告語本田)

  86、Let us make things better.(Philips)讓我們做的更好。經典英文廣告語飛利浦)

  87、our wheels are always turning.我們的車輪常轉不停。(五十鈴汽車)

  88、the world smiles with reader’s digest. 《讀者文摘》給全世界帶來歡笑。(《讀者文摘》)

  89、one should love animals. they are so tasty.每個人都應該熱愛動物,因為它們很好吃.

  90、節約糧食光榮,浪費糧食可恥。Save food glorious,shame on waste food.

  91、生命誠可貴,糧食價更高!Life honest valuable,the grain price is higher!

  92、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。Province to eat it,wear it new.

  93、請記。杭Z食來得不容易!Please remember:food is not easy!

  94、盤內一分鐘,廚內更多功。A minute,more work in the kitchen.

  95、年年有儲存,荒年不荒人。Every year there are stored,lean years no shortage.

  96、日儲一勺米,千日一石糧。A spoonful of rice storage,one thousand days a stone grain.

  97、糧再多,野菜也要備幾鍋。Food,more vegetables also want to prepare a few POTS.

  98、惜衣有衣,惜食有食。Precious little clothing clothing,precious little to eat food.

  99、嘴是無底洞。大吃勝過小賭。The mouth is bottomless.Eat more than small bet.

  100、糧食就是生命,知識拯救靈魂。Food is life,the knowledge to save souls.

  101、節糧從我做起,建設節約型社會。Grain starts from me and build a conservation-minded society.

  102、樹立節糧意識,珍惜勞動成果。Set up the ideas of grain and cherish the work achievement.

  103、倒下的是剩飯,流走的是血汗。The fallen leftovers,outflow is sweat.

  104、家有萬擔,不脫補衣,不丟剩飯。Home has all bear,not to take off clothes,dont throw the leftovers.

  105、節約糧食給未來生活多一點機會!Save food for the future life a little more opportunity!

  106、勤勤儉儉糧滿倉,大手大腳倉底光。Diligent diligently waste grain full,lavishly under-bin light.

  107、粒米雖小君莫扔,勤儉節約留美名。Grain of rice is jun mo throwing,frugality to stay.

  108、論吃還是家常飯,論穿還是粗布衣。Eat or home-cooked meals,theory wearing sackcloth.

  109、身后有余忘縮手,眼前無路想回頭。Left behind more decided,at present there is no way to turn back.

  110、大吃大喝顧眼前,省吃儉用度災荒。Pig out of sight,saving famine.

  111、吃飯不忘農人苦,穿衣不忘工人忙。Eat bitter,dont forget the farmer dress does not forget the workers busy.

  112、一粒米,一滴汗,粒粒糧食汗珠換。A grain of rice,a drop of sweat,grain by grain sweat change.

  113、惜衣有衣穿,惜飯有飯吃。Precious little garment clothing,precious little rice with rice to eat.

  114、粒米雖小猶不易,莫把辛苦當兒戲。A small grain of rice of not easy,dont play hard.

  115、出門走路看風向,穿衣吃飯量家當。Go out to walk the wind direction,dress for dinner possessions.

  116、誰愛風流高格調,共憐時世儉梳妝。Who love romantic style,high total flow times waste dressing.

  117、一斤糧,千粒汗,省吃儉用細盤算。A kilo grain,thousand grain sweat,saving calculation.

  118、人人節約一粒米,拯救世間千萬人。Everyone save a grain of rice,save the world of ten million people.

  119、粗茶淡飯,吃得到老;粗布棉衣,穿得到老。Eat bread,get old;Coarse cotton-padded clothes,wear to get old.

  120、米飯粒粒念汗水,不惜糧食當自悔。Rice grain by sweat,do not hesitate to food when the regrets.

  121、粒米雖小你別扔,勤儉節約留美名。A small grain of rice you dont throw,frugality reputation.

  122、一粒米,千滴汗,粒粒糧食汗珠換。A grain of rice,thousand drops of sweat,grain by grain sweat change.

  123、節約糧食,從我做起。節約糧食,現在做起。Save food,starts from me.Save food,start now.

  124、耗子還存三分糧。糧頭不儉,糧尾喊飯。Three points mouse also save food.Grain not frugal,shouted rice grain tail.

  125、糧食是用來滿足溫飽的不是用來浪費的。Food is used to satisfy hunger not to waste.

  126、省下一顆糧食,已許可以救活一個人的生命!Save food,have permission to save the life of a human being!

  127、節約糧食,人人有責。節約糧食,人人有利。Save food,everybody is responsible for.Save food,all good.

  128、節約光榮,人見人贊;浪費可恥,誰聞誰惡。Saving the glorious,everybody;Waste a disgrace,who smell bad.

  129、今日省把米,明日省滴油,來年買條大黃牛。Province today the meters,province drip tomorrow,buy a big cattle next year.

  130、一米一粟當思來之不易,愛糧節糧須知人人有責。One meter one corn when thinking hard,love food festival food notice everyone duty.

  131、食不過佳,充饑則可;身不過華;遮身則可。Eat not good,even can;However,China;Can be covered.

  132、一粥一飯當思來之不易,半絲半縷恒念物力維艱。A porridge a meal when the hard-won,silk half wisp of constant reading material.

  133、一米一谷,都是春夏秋冬滴汗水的收獲,請珍惜!One meter a valley,it is spring,summer,autumn and winter drops of sweat harvest,please cherish!

  134、精打細算夠半年,遇到荒年不受難。Enough for half a year careful calculation and strict budgeting,have years of famine is not suffering.

  135、If she is still cold and cold, and may wish to send a box of savior chocolate try. Rescue the chocolate is only soluble in the mouth, insoluble in the hand. M & Ms chocolate candy.

  136、The most delicious British old-fashioned chocolate. British Candleberry food company.

  137、Give a friend a box of friends ----- chocolate chocolate you will soon understand why people call it "friendly messenger." Friend brand chocolate.

  138、Accompanied by the beloved people, as well as the Emperor ... ... Jindi chocolate.

  139、tablets mellow and delicious, always accompanied by health! Shanghai Amy think chocolate.

  140、Heart of the transmission, do in Amy! Shanghai Amy chocolate.

  141、Milk-rich farmers, silky feel ---- Dove Chocolate. British Dove chocolate.

  142、In the world of communication, only music and chocolate are not limited by the language.Japanese music chocolate candy Chocolate: taste of the tip, the praise of the young announcer. Japans Meiji chocolate.

  143、The wise man treats the friend the top grade. Swiss chocolate company.

  144、Only soluble in the mouth, do not dissolve in the hand. Swiss chocolate company.

  145、Chocolate with the Alps. Swiss Chocolate Company.

  146、The Royal Sweets Company.

  147、Taste its strong atmosphere of milk,just like silk fly around you.

  148、The shortest answer is doing最簡短的回答就是行動。

  149、Failure is the mother of success失敗乃成功之母。

  150、While there is life, there is hope有生命便有希望。

  151、Where there is life, there is hope有生命必有希望。

  152、I feel strongly that I can make it我堅信我一定能成功。

  153、Sweat is the lubricant of success汗水是成功的潤滑劑。

  154、Bravery never goes out of fashion勇敢永遠不過時!

  155、A lazy youth, a lousy age少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

  156、Go for it! Just do it!加油!向前沖!做了再說!

  157、Sharp tools make good work工欲善其事,必先利其器。

  158、Judge not from appearances人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

  159、Dont give up and dont give in不要放棄,不要言敗!

  160、Failure is the mother of success失敗乃成功之母。












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